15.2, restarting firewall service fails, need to restart fail2ban right before it, ordering matters
15.2 with some recent zypper ps telling me that python stuff wants the firewall service to be restarted PID | PPID | UID | User | Command | Service | Files -----+------+-----+------+-----------+-----------+--------------------------- 1075 | 1 | 0 | root | python3.6 | firewalld | /usr/lib64/libX11.so.6.3.0 sudo systemctl restart firewalld.service Failed to restart firewalld.service: Transaction contains conflicting jobs 'restart' and 'stop' for fail2ban.service. Probably contradicting requirement dependencies configured. sudo systemctl restart firewalld.service fail2ban.service Failed to restart firewalld.service: Transaction contains conflicting jobs 'restart' and 'stop' for fail2ban.service. Probably contradicting requirement dependencies configured. finally sudo systemctl restart fail2ban.service firewalld.service throws no errors. i am a simple user only. bug? why? ty.
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