T-shirt or polo shirt - how to order

T-shirt or polo shirt - how to order I would like to buy a SuSE t-shirt or polo shirt. The Germany site has a nice selection to choose from, but the American site has none, as far as I can tell. Why? Is there really no way to buy a SuSE shirt in the United States? If it is possible to buy a SuSE shirt in the United States, please tell me how. Thank you. *************************************************** Powered by SuSE Linux 7.2 Professional KDE 2.1.2 KMail 1.2 Bryan S. Tyson bryantyson@earthlink.net ***************************************************

Bryan Tyson wrote:
T-shirt or polo shirt - how to order
I would like to buy a SuSE t-shirt or polo shirt. The Germany site has a nice selection to choose from, but the American site has none, as far as I can tell. Why? Is there really no way to buy a SuSE shirt in the United States?
Hi! Check the german web page. It's https://ssl.suse.de/de/bestellung/index.html - select: Lieferung in nicht EU-Staaten (it means: shipping outside european union countries) - Vorname, Name: christian name, family name - Strasse: Adress - PLZ, Ort: zip code, town - Land: country - Telefon: telephone (what a surprise) Then scroll half a mile down to 'Nicht aufgefuehrte Titel/Bemerkungen' (=items not mentioned above) and type into the box what you would like to order. They need your Visa or whatever card number, but 'Visa' in german is 'Visa', so no problems to be expected. If you don't understand something, ask them to contact you. EVERYONE in .de-country knows English, so no problem either. Hope you get around with that ... Cheers ... Wolfi ================================== mailto:wolfi_z@web.de

Þann sunnudagur 08 júlí 2001 19:28 skrifaðir þú:
Bryan Tyson wrote:
T-shirt or polo shirt - how to order
I would like to buy a SuSE t-shirt or polo shirt. The Germany site has a nice selection to choose from, but the American site has none, as far as I can tell. Why? Is there really no way to buy a SuSE shirt in the United States?
Hi! Check the german web page. It's https://ssl.suse.de/de/bestellung/index.html - select: Lieferung in nicht EU-Staaten (it means: shipping outside european union countries) - Vorname, Name: christian name, family name - Strasse: Adress - PLZ, Ort: zip code, town - Land: country - Telefon: telephone (what a surprise)
Then scroll half a mile down to 'Nicht aufgefuehrte Titel/Bemerkungen' (=items not mentioned above) and type into the box what you would like to order. They need your Visa or whatever card number, but 'Visa' in german is 'Visa', so no problems to be expected. If you don't understand something, ask them to contact you. EVERYONE in .de-country knows English, so no problem either.
Hope you get around with that ... Cheers ... Wolfi ================================== mailto:wolfi_z@web.de
Why not check out: https://ssl.suse.de/en/bestellung/index.html Remember that most of the time, there is a /en/ counterpart for most of the /de/ pages :) Oh, and not everyone in Germany knows english. At least not the store manager at the audio supermarket in Kiel. Cheated me for DM30 and "nicht verstanden" all of the time :-Þ ( He started to make faces when I swore at him, first in english, then swedish, and lastly in icelandic ;) Unfortunately, that person made my only visit ( and a short visit at that ) to Germany my most unpleasant visit to any country so far. But having met a lot of nice german people up here in Iceland, I know that the guy must have been a freak accident... But that's off topic :) But on topic: shipping from Germany is slow and expensive. Try to convince your local retailer to order your garments the next time he orders a shipment of SuSE Linux. Retailers get cheaper shipping, and lower prices, so you may well end up with a similar or lower grand total than the street price in Germany. -tosi

Tor Sigurdsson wrote:
Þann sunnudagur 08 júlí 2001 19:28 skrifaðir þú:
Bryan Tyson wrote:
T-shirt or polo shirt - how to order
Why not check out: https://ssl.suse.de/en/bestellung/index.html
Remember that most of the time, there is a /en/ counterpart for most of the /de/ pages :)
Yes, I tried this, and it didn't work like the /de/ one :-(( Maybe because I'm supposed to be able to use my native language (kind of smart filter?) :-))
Oh, and not everyone in Germany knows english. (....)
Yes, some people here obviously never went to school :-(( But I do not understand swedish or icelandic either, sorry :-(
But on topic: shipping from Germany is slow and expensive. (...)
Well, that's maybe true :-(( So, it might be the last possibility if anything else fails .. Skaal ... Wolfi ================================== mailto:wolfi_z@web.de

On Sunday 08 July 2001 15:28, I wrote:
I would like to buy a SuSE t-shirt or polo shirt. The Germany site has a nice selection to choose from, but the American site has none, as far as I can tell. Why? Is there really no way to buy a SuSE shirt in the United States?
Here is the information I received in reply from SuSE: Yes, we do. Please call me directly at 1-888-875-4689 and place the order over the phone. We are still setting in place the ordering of t-shirts via our online shop. I apologize for the inconvenience. We have SuSE Linux is Cool t-shirts available. The price per unit is $19.95. Our hours of operation are from 9am until 5pm PST. I look forward to hearing from you then. Best Regards, your SuSE Linux-Team! Nathan Samson *************************************************** Powered by SuSE Linux 7.2 Professional KDE 2.1.2 KMail 1.2 Bryan S. Tyson bryantyson@earthlink.net ***************************************************
participants (3)
Bryan Tyson
Tor Sigurdsson