Re: [opensuse] Missing swt.jar ( Suse 10 )
Then make runs without errors. However, following a make install (and male clean), running the program results in :
!!! An unhandled exception occured: class java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError --- iriverter 0.16 --- --- Settings: --- --- !!! no swt-pi-gtk-3138 in java.library.path !!! <snip>
I strongly recommend you to use a standalone swt library, not the one that comes with Eclipse IDE if you are going to use the application you are building. But if you have already gone that route - it seems you do not have in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH when you run your application. You also need path to "bundle" libraries to be included in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH as well (they are located somewhere in <eclipse>/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles folder - the path after "bundles" part depends on your Eclipse version). You have to set the variable every time you run your application, so you need to write some sort of startup script or modify your environment so it will be set by default. Dmitry
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