Re: [SLE] The disappearing desktop panels
When the panels disappear, the process labeled klauncher has died and or got zombied. Its job is to turn on like a user-space daemon and draw up the panels and then place and populate all the icons, applets and menus. This gogo behavior has been apparent since the old SuSE 8.X versions of GNOME. I wish that the designers of GNOME would write a quick script to check for dead processes and regenerate panels and the desktop. You can control-alt-f1, login as root and then either reboot the computer or telinit from 5 to 4 back to 5. This is however only a temporary hack. I get it a lot worse because Ephinany crashs and then I lose the panels (I use 3) and the desktop icons , which are drawn onto the desktop by Ephijany. If you use KDE two or more times, properly fsck the partitions, GNOME tends to fix itself in a Microsoft kind of way: it keeps a few reboots and then GNOME is back to normal. Until then, use the other window managers and enjoy the change in scenery. Sorry if I am not of more help. This is how I handle it. I am a minority user of SuSE in NYC. I however have been monitoring the list for a month and only have noticed a high level of whining and not enough users trying to help each other solve problems such as this chronic annoyance. I wish they would fix this. I prefer running GNOME over KDE but I like Konqueror image rendering better on GNOME. The new Opera is great also but Dillo is fab for reading newssites when SuSE 9.3 is under load. Good luck, Doctor. Adam in NYC FDNY*EMS Running SuSE 9.3 on Compaq Laptop 800 MHz Celeron 320 MB / 80 G Dr. Gavin Pillay wrote:
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 22:13:03 +0200 To: SuSE Linux <> From: "Dr. Gavin Pillay" <> Subject: [SLE] The disappearing desktop panels
Hi There,
This is now the second time, something strange has happened in relation to desktop panels. Firstly, in Gnome, my panel at the top of the screen which shows open applications has disappeared. Secondly, in XFCE, both the top panel and the bottom XFCE desktop panel have both disappeared. It's not a auto-hide thing as I looked there first. Now the only DE I have left that works properly is KDE.
Please help
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Adam Vazquez Kb2Jpd