Leap-15.4 Regardless of whether I start qjackctl before or not, launching rosegarden fails with this ~ # rosegarden Cannot lock down 86611866 byte memory area (Cannot allocate memory) Cannot use real-time scheduling (RR/5)(1: Operation not permitted) JackClient::AcquireSelfRealTime error Segmentation fault (core dumped) This kind of error shows up REGULARLY in suse (mostly in Leaps) i.e. it gets fixed and then it's only a matter of time before it start again, been watching the yoyo for years.

bent fender wrote:
I have no idea what 'rosegarden' even is, so just some wild guessing - this sounds like some sort of permissions/privileges/limits issue - locking down memory, (presumably a failed mlock() ?) real-time scheduling not permitted etc.
If it is an issue with rosegarden itself, it ought to show in the changelog, but I think it is probably a configuration issue. /etc/security/limits.conf is used to set limits and privileges, e.g. how much memory can be locked down. -- Per Jessen, Zürich (11.2°C) Member, openSUSE Heroes (2016 - present) We're hiring - https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Heroes

On 2023-05-12 08:17, Per Jessen wrote:
bent fender wrote:
I don't have the Leap so I can only comment in general terms.
Per is right here. It could be several things but I would try limits first. You should have a file /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf or /usr/etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf that says: @audio - rtprio 95 @audio - memlock unlimited #@audio - nice -19 Be sure to restart your computer after that. Logout/login doesn't seem to do the trick here. You can also install studio-controls (from edogawa) which takes care of your audio/jack setup. I ported it a couple of years ago but edogawa made it better. https://software.opensuse.org/package/studio-controls -- /bengan

On 2023-05-12 19:02, bent fender wrote:
That made some progress, all I get now is clean segfault :-)
Now it sounds more like a pure Rosegarden problem. Rosegarden is definitely not one of my skills (I installed it now just to test). But I vaguely remember that it segfaulted for me many years ago and moving the config files for Rosegarden to start fresh helped. Try moving/renaming: ~/.config/rosegardenmusic/Rosegarden.conf ~/.config/Rosegardenrc Also. Check what happens if you launch it from the cli with: rosegarden --nosound Does it segfault? If it still segfaults you'll probably need to open a bug on bugzilla. -- /bengan

Fri, 12 May 2023 19:58:59 +0200 Bengt Gördén <bengan@bag.org> :
& TS-ing at dev level isn't one of mine ":-))
renamed ~/.config/rosegardenmusic/Rosegarden.conf there is no ~/.config/Rosegardenrc ~ rosegarden Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory Cannot connect to server request channel jackdmp 1.9.12 Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others. Copyright 2004-2016 Grame. Copyright 2016-2017 Filipe Coelho. jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details no message buffer overruns no message buffer overruns Segmentation fault (core dumped) ~ # no message buffer overruns JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10 self-connect-mode is "Don't restrict self connect requests" audio_reservation_init Acquire audio card Audio1 creating alsa driver ... hw:CARD|hw:CARD|1024|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit configuring for 48000Hz, period = 1024 frames (21.3 ms), buffer = 2 periods ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 24bit little-endian in 3bytes format ALSA: use 2 periods for capture ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 24bit little-endian in 3bytes format ALSA: use 2 periods for playback ~ rosegarden --nosound [Composition] getTrackById( 0 ): WARNING: Track ID not found. [Composition] Available track ids are: do_connect: could not connect to socket connect: No such file or directory With qJackctl already started: =============================== ~ # rosegarden Cannot read socket fd = 17 err = Connection reset by peer Could not read notification result ClientNotify fails name = system notification = 0 val1 = 0 val2 = 0 NotifyAddClient new_client fails name = rosegarden Cannot notify add client Cannot create new client Cannot write socket fd = 15 err = Broken pipe CheckRes error JackRequest::ClientOpen write error name = rosegarden Segmentation fault (core dumped) ~ # rosegarden --nosound [Composition] getTrackById( 0 ): WARNING: Track ID not found. [Composition] Available track ids are: do_connect: could not connect to socket connect: No such file or directory ---------------------------------------------------- HOWEVER, there IS a ~/.config/Rosegardenrc in Tumbleweed which I copy-pasted over into Leap-15.4 ~ rosegarden Segmentation fault (core dumped) ~ rosegarden --nosound [Composition] getTrackById( 0 ): WARNING: Track ID not found. [Composition] Available track ids are: do_connect: could not connect to socket connect: No such file or directory With qJackctl already started: ~ # rosegarden Segmentation fault (core dumped) ~ # rosegarden --nosound [Composition] getTrackById( 0 ): WARNING: Track ID not found. [Composition] Available track ids are: do_connect: could not connect to socket connect: No such file or directory ----------------------------------------------- renamed both config files ~/.config/rosegardenmusic/Rosegarden.conf ..get regenerated
~/.config/Rosegardenrc ..does not (different RG version)
~ # rosegarden [main] *** This is the first time running this Rosegarden version Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory Cannot connect to server request channel jackdmp 1.9.12 Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others. Copyright 2004-2016 Grame. Copyright 2016-2017 Filipe Coelho. jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details no message buffer overruns Segmentation fault (core dumped) ~ # no message buffer overruns no message buffer overruns JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10 self-connect-mode is "Don't restrict self connect requests" ALSA lib confmisc.c:165:(snd_config_get_card) Cannot get card index for CARD control open "hw:CARD" (No such device) ALSA lib confmisc.c:165:(snd_config_get_card) Cannot get card index for CARD control open "hw:CARD" (No such device) creating alsa driver ... hw:CARD|hw:CARD|1024|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit ALSA lib confmisc.c:165:(snd_config_get_card) Cannot get card index for CARD control open "hw:CARD" (No such device) ALSA lib confmisc.c:165:(snd_config_get_card) Cannot get card index for CARD ALSA lib confmisc.c:165:(snd_config_get_card) Cannot get card index for CARD ALSA: Cannot open PCM device alsa_pcm for playback. Falling back to capture-only mode JackTemporaryException : now quits... ALSA lib confmisc.c:165:(snd_config_get_card) Cannot get card index for CARD control open "hw:CARD" (No such device) ALSA lib confmisc.c:165:(snd_config_get_card) Cannot get card index for CARD control open "hw:CARD" (No such device) Cannot initialize driver JackServer::Open failed with -1 Failed to open server on shutdown a further display [Composition] dtor: WARNING: 3 observers still extant: [Composition] 0x55915af4c478 : N10Rosegarden17TrackParameterBoxE [Composition] 0x55915af5d060 : N10Rosegarden20CompositionModelImplE [Composition] 0x55915b213860 : N10Rosegarden12TrackButtonsE ---------------------------------------------------- Profiling points: By name: Composition::getMaxContemporaneousSegmentsOnTrack(320): CPU: 0.001262500 ms/call (0 ms total) Real: 0.001119000 ms (0.358000000 ms total) Worst: 0.017000000 ms/call (0 ms CPU) Composition::rebuildVoiceCaches(1): CPU: 0.008000000 ms/call (0 ms total) Real: 0.008000000 ms (0.008000000 ms total) Worst: 0.008000000 ms/call (0 ms CPU) CompositionModelImpl::getSegmentRects()(1): CPU: 0.006000000 ms/call (0 ms total) Real: 0.006000000 ms (0.006000000 ms total) Worst: 0.006000000 ms/call (0 ms CPU) CompositionView::drawAll()(2): CPU: 1.077000000 ms/call (2 ms total) Real: 1.080000000 ms (2.160000000 ms total) Worst: 1.883000000 ms/call (1 ms CPU) CompositionView::drawArtifacts()(2): CPU: 0.025500000 ms/call (0 ms total) Real: 0.024500000 ms (0.049000000 ms total) Worst: 0.031000000 ms/call (0 ms CPU) CompositionView::drawAudioPreviews(1): CPU: 0.001000000 ms/call (0 ms total) Real: 0.001000000 ms (0.001000000 ms total) Worst: 0.001000000 ms/call (0 ms CPU) CompositionView::drawSegments(clipRect)(1): CPU: 1.592000000 ms/call (2 ms total) Real: 1.596000000 ms (1.596000000 ms total) Worst: 1.596000000 ms/call (1 ms CPU) CompositionView::paintEvent()(2): CPU: 1.080500000 ms/call (2 ms total) Real: 1.081500000 ms (2.163000000 ms total) Worst: 1.885000000 ms/call (1 ms CPU) CompositionView::scrollSegmentsLayer()(2): CPU: 0.798500000 ms/call (2 ms total) Real: 0.800000000 ms (1.600000000 ms total) Worst: 1.599000000 ms/call (1 ms CPU) CompositionView::slotUpdateAll()(8): CPU: 0.002625000 ms/call (0 ms total) Real: 0.002000000 ms (0.016000000 ms total) Worst: 0.004000000 ms/call (0 ms CPU) By total: CompositionView::paintEvent() 2.163000000 ms CompositionView::drawAll() 2.160000000 ms CompositionView::scrollSegmentsLayer() 1.600000000 ms CompositionView::drawSegments(clipRect) 1.596000000 ms Composition::getMaxContemporaneousSegmentsOnTrack 0.358000000 ms CompositionView::drawArtifacts() 0.049000000 ms CompositionView::slotUpdateAll() 0.016000000 ms Composition::rebuildVoiceCaches 0.008000000 ms CompositionModelImpl::getSegmentRects() 0.006000000 ms CompositionView::drawAudioPreviews 0.001000000 ms By average: CompositionView::drawSegments(clipRect) 1.596000000 ms CompositionView::paintEvent() 1.081500000 ms CompositionView::drawAll() 1.080000000 ms CompositionView::scrollSegmentsLayer() 0.800000000 ms CompositionView::drawArtifacts() 0.024500000 ms Composition::rebuildVoiceCaches 0.008000000 ms CompositionModelImpl::getSegmentRects() 0.006000000 ms CompositionView::slotUpdateAll() 0.002000000 ms Composition::getMaxContemporaneousSegmentsOnTrack 0.001119000 ms CompositionView::drawAudioPreviews 0.001000000 ms By worst case: CompositionView::paintEvent() 1.885000000 ms CompositionView::drawAll() 1.883000000 ms CompositionView::scrollSegmentsLayer() 1.599000000 ms CompositionView::drawSegments(clipRect) 1.596000000 ms CompositionView::drawArtifacts() 0.031000000 ms Composition::getMaxContemporaneousSegmentsOnTrack 0.017000000 ms Composition::rebuildVoiceCaches 0.008000000 ms CompositionModelImpl::getSegmentRects() 0.006000000 ms CompositionView::slotUpdateAll() 0.004000000 ms CompositionView::drawAudioPreviews 0.001000000 ms By number of calls: Composition::getMaxContemporaneousSegmentsOnTrack 320 CompositionView::slotUpdateAll() 8 CompositionView::paintEvent() 2 CompositionView::drawAll() 2 CompositionView::scrollSegmentsLayer() 2 CompositionView::drawArtifacts() 2 Composition::rebuildVoiceCaches 1 CompositionView::drawSegments(clipRect) 1 CompositionView::drawAudioPreviews 1 CompositionModelImpl::getSegmentRects() 1 Like I said, been watching this yoyo for like 10 years: now it works, now it doesn't.. I'm spending my guitar-time on trying to fix what I diodn't break. All "I" ever do is install/upgrade with all depends always apparently satisfied.

Am Freitag, 12. Mai 2023, 23:48:01 CEST schrieb bent fender:
Like I said, been watching this yoyo for like 10 years: now it works, now it doesn't.. I'm spending my guitar-time on trying to fix what I diodn't break. All "I" ever do is install/upgrade with all depends always apparently satisfied.
Can you post you Repo list: zypper lr -d Stephan

Sat, 13 May 2023 08:00:58 +0200 Stephan Hemeier <Sauerlandlinux@gmx.de> :
for Leap-15.4 https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/bfc03256cc00 for tumbleweed (where rosegarden launches OK) https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/bfc03256cc00 Rosegarden works on tumbleweed but there, there are other issues with Hydrogen producing General-Midi sounds in Rosegarden instead of proper Hydrogen drumkit sounds. I started using Tumbleweed as well as Leap when music work became a hit and miss affair in Leap. This week I can't get anything done in either. I later went as far as using 7 distros for the same reason and this week Devuan is the ONLY one on which everything comes together as it always should in all of them. The 7 distros BTW include 2 specifically STUDIO ones; namely AvLinux and Ubuntu-Studio, again this week none of those do the job right either :-)

Am Samstag, 13. Mai 2023, 11:54:21 CEST schrieb bent fender:
for Leap-15.4
You are missing 2 important Repos: 20 | repo-backports-update | Update repository of openSUSE Backports | Ja | (r ) Ja | Ja | 99 | rpm-md | https://mirrorcache-eu.opensuse.org/update/leap/15.4/backports/ 24 | repo-sle-update | Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 | Ja | (r ) Ja | Ja | 99 | rpm-md | https://mirrorcache-eu.opensuse.org/update/leap/15.4/sle/ Add them and Update with: zypper up Stephan

Sat, 13 May 2023 13:07:11 +0200 Stephan Hemeier <Sauerlandlinux@gmx.de> :
That got me 1484 package upgrades including 200 mb's of nvidia @ 25 KiB/s (reinforcing my determination to never buy anything with any nvidia in it). On top of that the nvidia stuff kept timing out so I tabooed nvidia as a package set as well. After I don't know how many hours Rosegarden still segfaults but there's a bonus now in that so does Yoshimi.

Am Sonntag, 14. Mai 2023, 04:21:47 CEST schrieb bent fender:
That got me 1484 package upgrades including 200 mb's of nvidia @ 25 KiB/s (reinforcing my determination to never buy anything with any nvidia in it). On top of that the nvidia stuff kept timing out so I tabooed nvidia as a package set as well. After I don't know how many hours Rosegarden still segfaults but there's a bonus now in that so does Yoshimi.
Have you done: zypper dup --allow-vendor-change --from http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_Leap_15.4 Are you running Gnome as DE? If yes, have you tried rosegarden in Plasma/KDE? Stephan

Sun, 14 May 2023 09:58:53 +0200 Stephan Hemeier <Sauerlandlinux@gmx.de> :
Only the folowing changed vendor: The following 7 packages are going to change vendor: libheif1 SUSE LLC <https://www.suse.com/> -> http://packman.links2linux.de libmodplug1 SUSE LLC <https://www.suse.com/> -> http://packman.links2linux.de libqmmp-plugins openSUSE -> http://packman.links2linux.de libtag1 SUSE LLC <https://www.suse.com/> -> http://packman.links2linux.de libtag_c0 SUSE LLC <https://www.suse.com/> -> http://packman.links2linux.de yt-dlp-bash-completion openSUSE -> http://packman.links2linux.de yt-dlp-zsh-completion openSUSE -> http://packman.links2linux.de
Are you running Gnome as DE? If yes, have you tried rosegarden in Plasma/KDE?
I use KDE in my 2 Suse systems (except if problems with) For the other question: # zypper se -s rosegarden Loading repository data... Reading installed packages... S | Name | Type | Version | Arch | Repository ---+------------+------------+--------------------+--------+--------------------------------------- i+ | rosegarden | package | 22.12.1-lp154.54.1 | x86_64 | /0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks v | rosegarden | package | 21.06.1-bp154.1.51 | x86_64 | /0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks v | rosegarden | package | 21.06.1-bp154.1.51 | x86_64 | 01 Main Repository | rosegarden | srcpackage | 21.06.1-bp154.1.51 | noarch | /0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks Note: For an extended search including not yet activated remote resources please use 'zypper search-packages'. In the above, what shows up as v-21.06 actually annunciates iteself as 21.12 when attempting to start. 21.12 (puts out the warning about system timer) # rosegarden [AlsaDriver] setCurrentTimer(): WARNING: using system timer with only 250 Hz resolution! Segmentation fault (core dumped) 22.12.1 (no warning other than segfault) # rosegarden Segmentation fault (core dumped) I don't think that rosegarden is the issue, in the past almost always its usability has bombed while the same version was installed; something else in my Leap systems gets turned south (in this respect) with an upgrade or some other intervention. It's usually a very similar pattern: works for a while and then stops working. I could just wait and do nothing at all, chances are good that in a few weeks time it'll work again. If I try to launch it in GNOME then it HANGS with: (I don't get the prompt back but there's no rosegarden either) # rosegarden Cannot connect to server socket err = Connection refused Cannot connect to server request channel jackdmp 1.9.12 Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others. Copyright 2004-2016 Grame. Copyright 2016-2017 Filipe Coelho. jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details no message buffer overruns Segmentation fault (core dumped) no message buffer overruns /0/adat/u3/Lp # no message buffer overruns JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10 self-connect-mode is "Don't restrict self connect requests" audio_reservation_init Acquire audio card Audio0 creating alsa driver ... hw:II|hw:II|1024|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit configuring for 48000Hz, period = 1024 frames (21.3 ms), buffer = 2 periods ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian ALSA: use 2 periods for capture ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian ALSA: use 2 periods for playback Sorry for the longish reply and not using susepaste

Am Sonntag, 14. Mai 2023, 18:43:29 CEST schrieb bent fender:
I think, this is your issue, you are running a factory package from multimedia:apps....... Have you treid the ones from the OSS Repo? It is working here without errors: zypper se -s rosegarden Repository-Daten werden geladen... Installierte Pakete werden gelesen... S | Name | Type | Version | Arch | Repository ---+------------+-------+--------------------+--------+---------------- i+ | rosegarden | Paket | 21.06.1-bp154.1.51 | x86_64 | Main Repository Stephan

Sun, 14 May 2023 19:24:18 +0200 Stephan Hemeier <Sauerlandlinux@gmx.de> :
in reverse order
Please post zypper se -sir '/0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks'
It's a remote folder where I park downloaded packages just for Suse-Leap, virtually never gets updated or cleaned out. It so happens that I just removed every instance of rosegarden and disabled it in Yast before the last reinstall. # zypper se -sir '/0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks' Loading repository data... Reading installed packages... S | Name | Type | Version | Arch | Repository ---+-------------------------+---------+--------------------+--------+--------------------------------------- i+ | astrolog | package | 5.40-829 | i586 | /0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks i+ | bluefish | package | 2.2.12-3.3 | x86_64 | /0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks i+ | dmg2img | package | 1.6.7-lp154.1.13 | x86_64 | /0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks i+ | google-earth-pro-stable | package | | x86_64 | /0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks i+ | jack_capture | package | 0.9.71-3.2 | x86_64 | /0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks i+ | otter-browser | package | 1.0.03-lp154.33.1 | x86_64 | /0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks i+ | pan | package | 0.150-lp154.2.1 | x86_64 | /0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks i+ | rosegarden | package | 21.06.1-bp154.1.51 | x86_64 | /0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks i+ | sylpheed | package | 3.7.0-lp152.4.7 | x86_64 | /0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks i+ | xeyes | package | 1.1.1-1.18 | x86_64 | /0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks i+ | yoshimi | package | 2.2.0-1.5 | x86_64 | /0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks NB. I just noticed that there are 2 versions of RG-22.12.1, I don't know if the one previously cited was 55.1 or 55.2. I have since then downloaded 22.12.1-lp154.55.2.src.rpm but into a more appropriate folder /0/adat/comp/0-gen/xtra-rpms where I went on with the compile test next
# rpmbuild --rebuild rosegarden-22.12.1-lp154.55.2.src.rpm Installing rosegarden-22.12.1-lp154.55.2.src.rpm error: Failed build dependencies: alsa-devel is needed by rosegarden-22.12.1-lp154.55.2.x86_64 fftw3-devel is needed by rosegarden-22.12.1-lp154.55.2.x86_64 liblo-devel is needed by rosegarden-22.12.1-lp154.55.2.x86_64 liblrdf-devel is needed by rosegarden-22.12.1-lp154.55.2.x86_64 libsamplerate-devel is needed by rosegarden-22.12.1-lp154.55.2.x86_64 libsndfile-devel is needed by rosegarden-22.12.1-lp154.55.2.x86_64 lirc-devel is needed by rosegarden-22.12.1-lp154.55.2.x86_64 so I installed the missing dev packages plus the ones they require The effort failed with the output listed @ https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/a519cc1303c8 I also downloaed 22.12.1-lp154.55.2.x86_64.rpm into and was goinf to get Yast to install it but ------------------------ Internal error. Please report a bug report with logs. Run save_y2logs to get complete logs. Caller: /usr/lib64/ruby/vendor_ruby/2.5.0/yast/yast.rb:204:in `call_yast_function' Details: stack level too deep ------------------------ since then Yast and Yas2 lock up @ starting the package-manager. Zypper won't run because of a ruby hangover from the yast failure. On reboot I tried # zypper install /0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks/rosegarden-22.12.1-lp154.55.2.x86_64.rpm Retrieving repository '/0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks' metadata ...........................................[done] Building repository '/0/adat/comp/SUSE/Leap/leap-extrapacks' cache ................................................[done] Loading repository data... Reading installed packages... corrupted size vs. prev_size which hangs. So... methinks that my Leap is totally fubared so I'm next going to revert to an image stored a month ago last month and start all over.

Sun, 14 May 2023 16:47:58 -0400 bent fender <ksusup@trixtar.org> :
Recovered from a month old backup image, rosegarden-21.12 "Cloud Nine" segfaults and was probably why I had attempted upgrading it at that time. Backleveled everything to release DVD content, everything else works and nothing hangs but rosegarden still segfaults. Finally I upgraded everything including from the SLE repo and I now have a 15.4 that works all-around EXCEPT for rosegarden. Now I can decide to try fixing it again or wait a month for Leap-15.5 and then do an upgrade. I suspect the upgrade may not fix the problem. The current error message is similar to others before with the exception that when I try as root for TS-ing then a load of other errors get annunciated: https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/ae471b0dc06c (1 week)

* bent fender <ksusup@trixtar.org> [05-15-23 15:59]:
fwiw and on Tumbleweed 20230514 installed rosegarden 22.12.1-2.1 which wanted: dssi ladspa ladspa-swh-plugins liblo7 lilypond-emmentaler-fonts lilypond-fonts-common xsynth-dssi started and ran w/o problem. closed and removed from system. the "hoops" you are jumping thru with your system(s) seem quite problematical. just saying ... -- (paka)Patrick Shanahan Plainfield, Indiana, USA @ptilopteri http://en.opensuse.org openSUSE Community Member facebook/ptilopteri Photos: http://wahoo.no-ip.org/piwigo paka @ IRCnet oftc

Mon, 15 May 2023 17:57:22 -0400 Patrick Shanahan <paka@opensuse.org> :
all installed both under Leap & Tumbleweed, on Tumbleweed rosegarden 22.1 runs fine except for one problem unrelated to this thread. That's strictly an RG snag which I will be taking up on that list, 'this' problem 'seems' not to be a rosegarden one though I have no idea what the error messages mean.

Sun, 14 May 2023 19:08:48 +0200 Stephan Hemeier <Sauerlandlinux@gmx.de> :
I normally I go with the version package and upgrade with Yast, same as for all other packages. But if I run into problems then I might try to install another version. That's probably how I eneded up with a 22.12.1 It's the same story with 21.06.1 (21.12) With qjackctl NOT szarted ~ # rosegarden Cannot connect to server socket err = Connection refused Cannot connect to server request channel jackdmp 1.9.12 Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others. Copyright 2004-2016 Grame. Copyright 2016-2017 Filipe Coelho. jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details no message buffer overruns no message buffer overruns no message buffer overruns JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10 self-connect-mode is "Don't restrict self connect requests" Segmentation fault (core dumped) ~ # audio_reservation_init Acquire audio card Audio0 creating alsa driver ... hw:II|hw:II|1024|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit configuring for 48000Hz, period = 1024 frames (21.3 ms), buffer = 2 periods ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian ALSA: use 2 periods for capture ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian ALSA: use 2 periods for playback {hangs at this point, no rosegarden} ~ # ^C With qjackctl started first ~ # rosegarden [AlsaDriver] setCurrentTimer(): WARNING: using system timer with only 250 Hz resolution! JackEngine::XRun: client = rosegarden was not finished, state = Triggered JackAudioDriver::ProcessGraphAsyncMaster: Process error Segmentation fault (core dumped) ~ #

Am Sonntag, 14. Mai 2023, 04:21:47 CEST schrieb bent fender:
That got me 1484 package upgrades including 200 mb's of nvidia @ 25 KiB/s (reinforcing my determination to never buy anything with any nvidia in it). On top of that the nvidia stuff kept timing out so I tabooed nvidia as a package set as well. After I don't know how many hours Rosegarden still segfaults but there's a bonus now in that so does Yoshimi.
Also post: zypper se -s rosegarden Stephan
participants (5)
Bengt Gördén
bent fender
Patrick Shanahan
Per Jessen
Stephan Hemeier