re: [SLE] True Type Fonts Under Linux

Yeah, and my apologies about asking about touch before doing man touch. I did that right after I hit the send button and felt awfully foolish, though the replies I got on the list from matt and robert sure made a nice companion to somewhat sparse man page! Thanks, Nick On Sun, 1 Jul 2001 11:14:10 -0400 Ron Cordell <> wrote:
Er. "touch"? I'm lost here. what be this touch?
Thanks! Nick
touch updates the timestamp and access information for a file.
Try man touch for more information...
-- ------------------------------------ Nick Selby, Flyguides, Inc Aviation Multimedia Publishing 103 Foulk Rd, Suite 202, Wilmington, DE 19803 USA | US phone 301 691 6056 US Fax 301 652 8667 European Mobile: +49 178 659 6900
participants (1)
Nick Selby