Hello! This is question from our Domino admin. I'm only translator ;-) We have user notes in group notes. He need to set limits for this user /etc/security/limits.conf : <cut> @notes soft nofile 144177 @notes hard nofile 144177 @notes soft nproc 14336 @notes hard nproc 14336 </cut> If he logins locally all is OK, but if he logins as notes over ssh or do su - notes - limits don't works. He found that in /etc/pam.d/ . string <cut> session required pam_limits.so </cut> exists only in /etc/pam.d/login And no such string in /etc/pam.d/su и /etc/pam.d/sshd If he tries to add this string to these files he simply can't login as user notes :-( Any ideas? Thank you!
participants (1)
Dmitry Melekhov