Changing the default Thunderbird icons for KDE.
Hi, I realized quickly, that the Thunderbird icons provided by SUSE (16x16 and 32x32) in SUSE Linux 10.0 having not enough quality and e.g. while moving the mouse through the Thunderbird icon placed onto the panel, in the popup, next to its description a very pixely picture shows up even on rel. low resolution, 1024x768... I decided to replace the icons and got to an issue I can't explain. In the mean-time I found a work-round of this, but would be interes- ted, if anyone could please explain me, why this happened: with an up2date locate database I identified two exsisting thunderbird.png-s on my system and replaced them with the variants I wanted to have. In addition I put also 4 others with different sizes to their respec- tive location, so ranging between 16x16 and 128x128. I logged out and then in again to my KDE session, and _was_ surprised; independently, that both the previous pics I have overwritten and added new ones, KDE partially still remembered them: - on the panel the _old_ picture was present, but when I opened the popup with the details, showed me the _new_ (~larger) image, - on the K-menu still the _old_ version was there, but while opening the menu-editor, on the right the _new_ appeared; here when I wanted to chose a new icon, in the apps section for "thunderbird" still the _old_ was there, but browsing to its normal path /opt/kde3/... got me to the _new_ variant... I also tried to restart the whole comp, without any result, the repla- ced old pics didn't go away just by themselves; had to do really this last approach. Is there a cache or something alike for the icon-collection for KDE, which simply didn't get flushed in this case even after first KDE-, then after _system_ restart?! Thanks and sorry for the length, Pelibali
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