From: "Vincent De Keersmaeker" <Vincent.DeKeersmaeker@broederlijkdelen.be> Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 16:40:03 +0100 Message-ID: <001b01c05888$4fdc2d40$ad01a8c0@hh> Subject: good backup solution Hello all, i am looking for a good backup solution for linux. the problem is that it should be easy to run from a windows-workstation (sheduling, checking of logs, restoring,...)(the people who have to work with it really don't know anything of linux), and it should work with tapestreamers as well. Arkeia could have been a nice solution, but as far as i know, it only works with dat's and not tapesteamers, and taper it to complex (say to dos-alike) for the endusers.anybody any other idea's? Vincent

From: Arjen Runsink <arjen@technologist.com> Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 13:37:56 +0100 Message-Id: <00113013375603.01324@flaptop> Subject: Re: [SLE] good backup solution On Monday 27 November 2000 16:40, Vincent De Keersmaeker wrote:
anything of linux), and it should work with tapestreamers as well. Arkeia could have been a nice solution, but as far as i know, it only works with dat's and not tapesteamers, and taper it to complex (say to dos-alike) for the endusers.anybody any other idea's?
ARKEIA can use all kinds of tape streamers ( at least the latest one) IIRC. BB, Arjen

Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 11:31:45 -0800 (PST) From: Greg Thomas <ethant@pacificnet.net> Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.21.0011301122560.6494-100000@hominy.2fortheroad.net> Subject: Re: [SLE] good backup solution On Thu, 30 Nov 2000, Arjen Runsink wrote:
On Monday 27 November 2000 16:40, Vincent De Keersmaeker wrote:
anything of linux), and it should work with tapestreamers as well. Arkeia could have been a nice solution, but as far as i know, it only works with dat's and not tapesteamers, and taper it to complex (say to dos-alike) for the endusers.anybody any other idea's?
ARKEIA can use all kinds of tape streamers ( at least the latest one) IIRC.
Beware that ARKEIA's only disaster recovery mechanism is outside of it's software. One has to tar up the index files directory from disk to a separate tape. If you don't have these files backed up on a different tape with a standard format your ARKEIA tapes will be useless in case of complete loss of a disk. This was the case with the versions up until 6 months ago when I stopped using ARKEIA. Their website stated that future versions would be able to restore the indexes from a fresh install of ARKEIA. Greg
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