Re: [SuSE Linux] memory problems
Luca Colombi wrote:
Hi all,
A couple of months ago I installed Linux SuSE 5.2 kernel 2.0.34 on my system and I was able to configure everything with no or little trouble.
Now... the only problem I have is the memory used by my system.
If I start up the system my 'free -m' command tells me that I have got:
Mem: 124 total 18 used etc. This isn't true I should have 128 total.
As soon as I start Xwindow the memory goes up of another 16/18 Mb and that's fine ...but then everytime I run a new software (ie. Netscape) the memory increase and even when I kill the application the memory used remain unchanged or with little alteration. ie. if StarOffice was using 121Mb after killing it I regain onle 12/13 Mb of mem.
During the day I use different packages or do different operations and threfore I am pushed to restart my machine 2 or 3 times a day in order to free my memory.
Is there a way to clear the memory without shutting down the machine?
I know that earlier versions of kernel were recognising only 64 Mb of Ram but I thought the 2.0.34 would have solved the problem however during configurations I typed in 128M.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Thanks, - Luca Colombi
Since you use X, try running xosview to see how memory is being used. You'll be surprised!!! George - To get out of this list, please send email to with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e
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