Hello, In an effort to get some sort of useful printing out of my SuSE7.2 box I re-installed everything, AGAIN. Finally I can print from my kde apps and actually recieve output. I was really getting tired of only being able to print the cups test pages. I think there may be a bug, but thats for a different thread. After installation I used yast2's online update, 10 hours later @ 56k the update is done, I can still print all seems well Until-------------- I try running yast2 so that I can check some packages on the dvd, I get a requestor stating; "There was an error while attempting to obtain a list of available modules. The list of displayed modules may be incomplete. Please make sure that YaST2 and YaST2 Control Center are installed properly" I've tried reinstalling all yast packages I can find from the dvd but still get this damn error.
Enter RANT mode
I'm spending more and more time trying to get SuSE to work and less and less time actually using it. (I have gone well beyond any hope of actually enjoying using SuSE) I AM FRUSTRATED.
Exit RANT mode
Any Ideas about how to fix my current problem will be greatly appreciated. thank you,
participants (1)
David Herman