Hello Guru's, Now first off all, I'm an absolute beginner, so please bear me if I sound silly. I ran 6.1 for a long time, just for file services in the past and jumped to 8.0 just a few weeks ago. So it's all quiet new to me, but I love to learn :) I run linux on a testmachine, just a noble pc (P4-1.7 now, used to be a P133) and it seems to run just fine and accurate in an small NT4 domain. But at this moment I'm having a question on event on this NT side. My event log keeps on filling with lines containing the following: Logon Failure: Reason: Unknown user name or bad password User Name: SAMBATESTW121-0900 Domain: JOZEF Logon Type: 3 Logon Process: KSecDD Authentication Package: MICROSOFT_AUTHENTICATION_PACKAGE_V1_0 Workstation Name: \\W121-0900 It's clearely a samba issue (I think). I'm wondering, is there a user sambatest ? I surely did not create it, so it must be a systemaccount. My question is : how can I stop samba sending these event to the Nt server ? I may be wrong, but I don't recall the event while I was running 6.1 and his version of samba. Can someone please enlight me ? Second question is an I4l, ISDN issue. Has anyone succeeded in installing a Tigerjet ISDN 128 k card ? It is clearely detected by YAST, but it is not possible to select a driver (combobox is grayed out). And I installed the latest downloaded packedges for it. Can someone please give me some advice ? Oh, BTW, just love 8.0 already.... Thanks in advance, Met vriendelijke groeten, Francis De Croes ******************************** Netwerkverantwoordelijke O.C. Sint Jozef E. De Deynestraat 1 9000 GENT ******************************** tel algemeen: 09/222.52.32 tel direct: 09/240.13.49 ******************************** emaill to: francis.de.croes@fracarita.org email to: francis.decroes@attglobal.net ******************************** What does not kill us, makes us stronger. But remember, life is a terminal disease.
participants (1)
De Croes, Francis