Re: [SuSE Linux] Sis6326 is broken in suse6.0
Zantera , are you using the sis card or the Diamond a50 ?? Sax and xf86setup both go as far as loading a black or gray screen then goes no further. xg86config works. but is a pain. The diamond a 50 driver gave a big square curser and black on black text. Some one said there is a setting to fix this , I havent tried it. Next I swithched to the plain vanilla sis6326 driver , then took out the comment for "no accell" , then start x via startx -- -bpp 16 . This will force it to 16 color mode. the 8 bit collor mode acts realy wacky. This has given me a somewhat "usable" desktop , that does act wacky at time , mostly on screen refresh and repaining screens. But it runs somewhat. You may want to play with your monitor setings. I am using a mag dx17t . The only other agp card I have tried was a borrowed diamond V550 . Works like a charm. According to LenZ , the sis uses several series of chips , and this is causing the probvlem. Hopefully we will hear somthing soon. At 09:16 PM 2/25/1999 -0500, you wrote:
Well I told a few people that the sis6326 was working with the svga server. I was wrong!!!!!!!
I apologize to those others who are having trouble with the SiS6236 under suse6.0.
I got my suse6.0 today and the vga16 driver is broken. Sax, and XF86Setup will lock the machine up so bad, the reset button has to be hit. xf86config will work far enough to setup the X link, but startx won't work with the XF86config file it makes. Luckily, the Sis6326 config file I had made with Suse 5.1 works. I can get startx to run under 6.0 with that old file.
This was my first attempt to install, and I must say, I'm not too pleased.
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