3 basic questions, or then again basically 3 questions :)
greetings i must admit that there have been lots of changes in suse. the previous version i used was 8.1 and it was beautiful simple and clear. now with 9.2 i feel as dumb as hell baffled with new features and from where to configure them. so here are the three nominated questions for this first post of 2005! 1- after obtaining the pure-ftpd from the dvd and having it installed on my suse 9.2 system, i wanted to add a link so that the user can browse to a separate common directory between different users, and i havent got the slightest clue where to start as it complains about having too many symbolic links to follow, in suse 8, it just worked without problems 2- i am used to the concept that when you close your vnc screen, you can reattach the session from somewhere else simply by just connecting.. well this is not happening for me this time, when i logged out and attempted to log again it gave me another session number, so i presume the first is still running somewhere in the background? how can i make things so that when i detach a session i can always continue it, just as the screen command does in the shell console. 3- the infamous firewall with suse, well the firewall script has changed since suse version 8.1 and it is taking its own time going through it, ok call me lazzy but the fact is that there are lots of changes that one needs time to rearrange his thoughts and as to what wants and needs to be done on a the new installation. the funny thing with the firewall is that using the wizzard from the control center, i select to open ports for ssh, vnc, smtp, http etc etc and let the firewall start up, only to find out that it cuts me out and i cant reach it so i have to go and shutdown the firewall from the console before i can continue working remotelly. any ideas what causes that or am i once again missing some new configuration option that i am not aware of? i hope i can get some enlightment on these issues. regards Matice
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