RE: [SLE] SuSE 6.1 and Matlab
On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 04:30:00 Bernie Gardner wrote:
Have you looked at Octave. It's essentially a gpl'd pacakge which executes most Matlab m files and allows for externally compiled programs to be used.
Thanks, Bernie. I vaguely recall having heard of Octave, but not that much. I'll take a look at that. Octave might do the trick for me as long as it is capable of at least simple plotting. My use for Matlab/Octave involves a bit of number-crunching, but with frequent stops for user checking and input, hence the need to do some simple plotting. So my questions for any Octave users are: 1. Can Octave do simple plotting? (Sorry if this sounds vague. Basically, if Octave doesn't support all Matlab plot types, can I still get an x/y plot out of it without severe contraints as to the number of elements in the x- and y- vectors? For example, could I plot x vs y if each ector has 2000 elements?) 2. Can Octave save data into mat-files (or at least ASCII type files that Matlab can read)? 3. Is there a homepage or online manual I can peruse? If so, where? *** As for Scilab, I once tried it, but discovered that it differed enough from Matlab that I could not easily use it with the many m- and MEX-files I'd already written. Thanks again, Steve --== Sent via ==-- Share what you know. Learn what you don't. -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the FAQ at
On 25-Feb-00 wrote:
On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 04:30:00 Bernie Gardner wrote:
Have you looked at Octave. It's essentially a gpl'd pacakge which executes most Matlab m files and allows for externally compiled programs to be used.
Thanks, Bernie. I vaguely recall having heard of Octave, but not that much. I'll take a look at that. Octave might do the trick for me as long as it is capable of at least simple plotting. My use for Matlab/Octave involves a bit of number-crunching, but with frequent stops for user checking and input, hence the need to do some simple plotting. So my questions for any Octave users are:
1. Can Octave do simple plotting? (Sorry if this sounds vague. Basically, if Octave doesn't support all Matlab plot types, can I still get an x/y plot out of it without severe contraints as to the number of elements in the x- and y- vectors? For example, could I plot x vs y if each ector has 2000 elements?)
It does do basic matlab plotting. Not as advanced as more recent versions of matlab, but the standard commands seem to work more or less as you expect. I'm still working on printing plots. I think you can make eps files and then print those.
2. Can Octave save data into mat-files (or at least ASCII type files that Matlab can read)?
It can save matrices, again reasonably consistent with matlab.
3. Is there a homepage or online manual I can peruse? If so, where?
As for Scilab, I once tried it, but discovered that it differed enough from Matlab that I could not easily use it with the many m- and MEX-files I'd already written.
Thanks again,
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Bernie Gardner -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the FAQ at wrote:
On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 04:30:00 Bernie Gardner wrote:
Have you looked at Octave. It's essentially a gpl'd pacakge which executes most Matlab m files and allows for externally compiled programs to be used.
Thanks, Bernie. I vaguely recall having heard of Octave, but not that much. I'll take a look at that. Octave might do the trick for me as long as it is capable of at least simple plotting. My use for Matlab/Octave involves a bit of number-crunching, but with frequent stops for user checking and input, hence the need to do some simple plotting. So my questions for any Octave users are:
1. Can Octave do simple plotting? (Sorry if this sounds vague. Basically, if Octave doesn't support all Matlab plot types, can I still get an x/y plot out of it without severe contraints as to the number of elements in the x- and y- vectors? For example, could I plot x vs y if each ector has 2000 elements?)
2. Can Octave save data into mat-files (or at least ASCII type files that Matlab can read)?
3. Is there a homepage or online manual I can peruse? If so, where?
As for Scilab, I once tried it, but discovered that it differed enough from Matlab that I could not easily use it with the many m- and MEX-files I'd already written.
Have you tried MuPad? It has a very nice connection to gnuplot, with reset and redraw, zoom, labels, etc... I used it to replace MathCad and while it is not a graphical as MathPad (more like Mathematica 2.1) it is very usable and has excellent documentation and tutorials similar to pdf documents. JLK
Thanks again,
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On 25-Feb-00 wrote:
Thanks, Bernie. I vaguely recall having heard of Octave, but not that much. I'll take a look at that. Octave might do the trick for me as long as it is capable of at least simple plotting. My use for Matlab/Octave involves a bit of number-crunching, but with frequent stops for user checking and input, hence the need to do some simple plotting. So my questions for any Octave users are:
I think octave should be able to do what you want. There are a few differences with MatLab, but it is very closely compatible. Some of the differences are to octave's advantage; others to MatLab's (especially on the graphics front).
1. Can Octave do simple plotting? (Sorry if this sounds vague. Basically, if Octave doesn't support all Matlab plot types, can I still get an x/y plot out of it without severe contraints as to the number of elements in the x- and y- vectors? For example, could I plot x vs y if each ector has 2000 elements?)
Octave's plotting is based on gnuplot. Octave has commands to do the equivalent of all the MatLab basic plots: X-Y plots: plot(y); plot(x,y); plot(x,y,"-b") [use blue lines]; plot(x,y,"-b",x,z,"og") [blue lines for y, green circles for z) "mesh" plots: mesh(Z); histograms: hist(X,u); etc also surface plots and contour plots. You might miss the "interactive" plots, selecting points with the mouse, rotating plots, etc. (These limitations relate to gnuplot; there is some work in progress at present to liberate octave from the gnuplot yoke; some people have already implemented interfaces with other plotting packages such as PlotMTV, PLPlot, geomview). Control over the plot appearance etc. is done by passing gnuplot option-commands using the "gset" command (e.g. gset nokey, gset xrange [0:10], gset size square, etc.).
2. Can Octave save data into mat-files (or at least ASCII type files that Matlab can read)?
Octave can save and load MatLab 4 ".mat" files (not MatLab 5): save -mat-binary X Y ... as well as in its native format. If you want to transfer files from MatLab, make sure they are saved in MatLab 4 format.
3. Is there a homepage or online manual I can peruse? If so, where?
The octave package comes with a comprehensive PostScript manual. Sources and precompiled binaries can be found under I have been using octave for several years, also in collaboration with people using MatLab. Some care has to be taken over compatibility, but you can do very sophisticated MatLab-style number-crunching with it. If your needs are fairly basic, you should get on fine with octave. Ted. -------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <> Date: 26-Feb-00 Time: 02:19:31 ------------------------------ XFMail ------------------------------ -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the FAQ at
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