i am really in need of a toold to examine the health of a hd? -- To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards out of men. --Abraham Lincoln -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org mQGiBDuyaGQRBADuy5RgRve2BFembRa15NJOkIHlsUOQrsDazsLzTnvNIQanyuFy xRDS/aiRsnNEY9FY5Q9vpkn6FkC1kgGbu3IODFoA2IG6x5gWxu2ZrUXdzA+BCx5S 7TyB6o2slBc8scNCGrpZUwtPjfFrRQG0ScS3eDO+0D5imc9l+1vGNzq0VwCgpj/Q fCeeUUKnjBrj7KryVHwd6qMD/37IWO2vKgEgHmZ/hrkEDcd79lurxaknxmdzEoD9 evwEKhlHbxcg7AVS6UD5CowCDAIDK/88ygQLFK+3ZoG7pLormPNfEUlYH9pIDgUU X1aVElu656GM5Cr4g+6KuOOUIobfw4AM1yCyIrAakFMGQtGRu80f6X9ViaYInW9F m6ZxBADYJ/FwpWVHqCeaSLeSCnzpP3Jki/KiXgUF0/B6aWYTojo643d69vVjK6Ca IedAcAve3kk2InBWEzjFt8C7widt2G6aJYXsHDzRkzhhttHHXemoOlgCNKz2T23M ZD3tN2HC8YNE/ODoUF+1PM+FJ/h2guVCCMLCrlGakBE/xyomf7QsUm9sYW5kbyBS b21hbiAoZnJlZSkgPGxhbmR5QGRlc3BpZXJ0YXByLmNvbT6IXQQTEQIAHQUCO7Jo ZAUJAsfqAAULBwoDBAMVAwIDFgIBAheAAAoJEEZFYl4vkkomfs4Anij31JBfYFeB ZR7q4hN4Z9oQf5aWAJ9gzF42zDT2wDFlapTm/T2uIOb9t7kBDQQ7smhrEAQA8xWk 008LVtTnJadrvmhydU0Pa4sUgKNozeg7k0f0NpeZYDm1nY2oPuscM9+fPU9gZ+pc X6eMZzAF4oE6jOhoA7OnEFhl7zdVa1tjKOIITbadP3RgZHFRY/9dS34KNJlvuJYX x+XqSa6W/Y2fa2FOEs2q4DSekUYclx2Vpbd1E4sAAwYEAIB5tYHGm7lVzauO8O0K jTRzBLEZesgXu9B1aD/HGOlQ55Af9j1ZiiXY9IceiEWymfLpjTwhrM7/rYJC50lo /H+6AROoTFuyZ8GulQvdr5YSeGhW9gmrh+s/uj7PDYBgtbQh10zNefIXRI/W/QlR xYaB/Q/8N8LrpJ3TB8IPVcdmiEwEGBECAAwFAjuyaGsFCQLH6gAACgkQRkViXi+S SibQPACfbXb9XvrS9G3XTqUGnaTeGkA/w1wAniY/hTrnZdCrdLsG3ANDcTmZBioC =ZXxw -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
On Fri, 28 Sep 2001, Landy Roman wrote:
i am really in need of a toold to examine the health of a hd?
If it's IDE, try the smart tools. http://www.linux-ide.org/smart.html regards, Dave. -- | Dave Jones. http://www.suse.de/~davej | SuSE Labs
any idea i ran ide-smart /dev/hdb Id= 1, Status=11 {PreFailure , OnLine }, Value= 1, Threshold= 51, Failed Id= 4, Status=18 {Advisory , OnLine }, Value= 98, Threshold= 40, Passed Id= 10, Status=19 {PreFailure , OnLine }, Value= 99, Threshold= 51, Passed Id= 11, Status=19 {PreFailure , OnLine }, Value=100, Threshold= 51, Passed Id= 12, Status=18 {Advisory , OnLine }, Value=189, Threshold= 0, Passed Id=200, Status= 9 {PreFailure , OffLine}, Value=100, Threshold= 51, Passed OffLineStatus=0 {NeverStarted}, AutoOffLine=No, OffLineTimeout=15 minutes OffLineCapability=3 {Immediate Auto SuspendOnCmd} SmartRevision=5, CheckSum=99, SmartCapability=2 { AutoSave} hda pass everything i just dont know what id1 is? On Sat, 29 Sep 2001 00:30:21 +0200 (CEST) Dave Jones <davej@suse.de> wrote:
On Fri, 28 Sep 2001, Landy Roman wrote:
i am really in need of a toold to examine the health of a hd?
If it's IDE, try the smart tools. http://www.linux-ide.org/smart.html
-- | Dave Jones. http://www.suse.de/~davej | SuSE Labs
-- To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards out of men. --Abraham Lincoln -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org mQGiBDuyaGQRBADuy5RgRve2BFembRa15NJOkIHlsUOQrsDazsLzTnvNIQanyuFy xRDS/aiRsnNEY9FY5Q9vpkn6FkC1kgGbu3IODFoA2IG6x5gWxu2ZrUXdzA+BCx5S 7TyB6o2slBc8scNCGrpZUwtPjfFrRQG0ScS3eDO+0D5imc9l+1vGNzq0VwCgpj/Q fCeeUUKnjBrj7KryVHwd6qMD/37IWO2vKgEgHmZ/hrkEDcd79lurxaknxmdzEoD9 evwEKhlHbxcg7AVS6UD5CowCDAIDK/88ygQLFK+3ZoG7pLormPNfEUlYH9pIDgUU X1aVElu656GM5Cr4g+6KuOOUIobfw4AM1yCyIrAakFMGQtGRu80f6X9ViaYInW9F m6ZxBADYJ/FwpWVHqCeaSLeSCnzpP3Jki/KiXgUF0/B6aWYTojo643d69vVjK6Ca IedAcAve3kk2InBWEzjFt8C7widt2G6aJYXsHDzRkzhhttHHXemoOlgCNKz2T23M ZD3tN2HC8YNE/ODoUF+1PM+FJ/h2guVCCMLCrlGakBE/xyomf7QsUm9sYW5kbyBS b21hbiAoZnJlZSkgPGxhbmR5QGRlc3BpZXJ0YXByLmNvbT6IXQQTEQIAHQUCO7Jo ZAUJAsfqAAULBwoDBAMVAwIDFgIBAheAAAoJEEZFYl4vkkomfs4Anij31JBfYFeB ZR7q4hN4Z9oQf5aWAJ9gzF42zDT2wDFlapTm/T2uIOb9t7kBDQQ7smhrEAQA8xWk 008LVtTnJadrvmhydU0Pa4sUgKNozeg7k0f0NpeZYDm1nY2oPuscM9+fPU9gZ+pc X6eMZzAF4oE6jOhoA7OnEFhl7zdVa1tjKOIITbadP3RgZHFRY/9dS34KNJlvuJYX x+XqSa6W/Y2fa2FOEs2q4DSekUYclx2Vpbd1E4sAAwYEAIB5tYHGm7lVzauO8O0K jTRzBLEZesgXu9B1aD/HGOlQ55Af9j1ZiiXY9IceiEWymfLpjTwhrM7/rYJC50lo /H+6AROoTFuyZ8GulQvdr5YSeGhW9gmrh+s/uj7PDYBgtbQh10zNefIXRI/W/QlR xYaB/Q/8N8LrpJ3TB8IPVcdmiEwEGBECAAwFAjuyaGsFCQLH6gAACgkQRkViXi+S SibQPACfbXb9XvrS9G3XTqUGnaTeGkA/w1wAniY/hTrnZdCrdLsG3ANDcTmZBioC =ZXxw -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
On Fri, 28 Sep 2001, Landy Roman wrote:
Id= 1, Status=11 {PreFailure , OnLine }, Value= 1, Threshold= 51, Failed hda pass everything i just dont know what id1 is?
Me either. Unless it's in the documentation... I should point out too, that there may be a problem which causes the SMART tools to display errors sometimes when theres nothing there. Dig around IBMs web page (storage.ibm.com iirc). They have floppy images containing stand alone drive testers, which test SMART as well as other things. Might want to give the drive a look over with that. regards, Dave. -- | Dave Jones. http://www.suse.de/~davej | SuSE Labs
On Fri, 28 Sep 2001 18:26:00 -0400 Hello Landy from Lourens: " i am really in need of a toold to examine the health of a hd? " Western Digital: look on their site for dlgdiag IBM (thorough) and others (general): search for Disk Fitness Test (dft-v210img.bin) Seagate: http://www.seagate.com/support/seatools/B7a.html General: search for TuffTest Lite System load testing - Cerberus : http://sourceforge.net/projects/va-ctcs HTH *** If you find a solution and become attached to it, the solution may become your next problem. *** Powered by SuSE Linux 7.2 Professional Registered Linux User Lourens Steenkamp Republic of South Africa _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
yes but their tool are for windows and not linux To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards out of men. --Abraham Lincoln -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org mQGiBDuyaGQRBADuy5RgRve2BFembRa15NJOkIHlsUOQrsDazsLzTnvNIQanyuFy xRDS/aiRsnNEY9FY5Q9vpkn6FkC1kgGbu3IODFoA2IG6x5gWxu2ZrUXdzA+BCx5S 7TyB6o2slBc8scNCGrpZUwtPjfFrRQG0ScS3eDO+0D5imc9l+1vGNzq0VwCgpj/Q fCeeUUKnjBrj7KryVHwd6qMD/37IWO2vKgEgHmZ/hrkEDcd79lurxaknxmdzEoD9 evwEKhlHbxcg7AVS6UD5CowCDAIDK/88ygQLFK+3ZoG7pLormPNfEUlYH9pIDgUU X1aVElu656GM5Cr4g+6KuOOUIobfw4AM1yCyIrAakFMGQtGRu80f6X9ViaYInW9F m6ZxBADYJ/FwpWVHqCeaSLeSCnzpP3Jki/KiXgUF0/B6aWYTojo643d69vVjK6Ca IedAcAve3kk2InBWEzjFt8C7widt2G6aJYXsHDzRkzhhttHHXemoOlgCNKz2T23M ZD3tN2HC8YNE/ODoUF+1PM+FJ/h2guVCCMLCrlGakBE/xyomf7QsUm9sYW5kbyBS b21hbiAoZnJlZSkgPGxhbmR5QGRlc3BpZXJ0YXByLmNvbT6IXQQTEQIAHQUCO7Jo ZAUJAsfqAAULBwoDBAMVAwIDFgIBAheAAAoJEEZFYl4vkkomfs4Anij31JBfYFeB ZR7q4hN4Z9oQf5aWAJ9gzF42zDT2wDFlapTm/T2uIOb9t7kBDQQ7smhrEAQA8xWk 008LVtTnJadrvmhydU0Pa4sUgKNozeg7k0f0NpeZYDm1nY2oPuscM9+fPU9gZ+pc X6eMZzAF4oE6jOhoA7OnEFhl7zdVa1tjKOIITbadP3RgZHFRY/9dS34KNJlvuJYX x+XqSa6W/Y2fa2FOEs2q4DSekUYclx2Vpbd1E4sAAwYEAIB5tYHGm7lVzauO8O0K jTRzBLEZesgXu9B1aD/HGOlQ55Af9j1ZiiXY9IceiEWymfLpjTwhrM7/rYJC50lo /H+6AROoTFuyZ8GulQvdr5YSeGhW9gmrh+s/uj7PDYBgtbQh10zNefIXRI/W/QlR xYaB/Q/8N8LrpJ3TB8IPVcdmiEwEGBECAAwFAjuyaGsFCQLH6gAACgkQRkViXi+S SibQPACfbXb9XvrS9G3XTqUGnaTeGkA/w1wAniY/hTrnZdCrdLsG3ANDcTmZBioC =ZXxw -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- On Sat, 29 Sep 2001, Lourens Steenkamp wrote:
On Fri, 28 Sep 2001 18:26:00 -0400 Hello Landy from Lourens:
" i am really in need of a toold to examine the health of a hd? "
Western Digital: look on their site for dlgdiag IBM (thorough) and others (general): search for Disk Fitness Test (dft-v210img.bin) Seagate: http://www.seagate.com/support/seatools/B7a.html General: search for TuffTest Lite System load testing - Cerberus : http://sourceforge.net/projects/va-ctcs
If you find a solution and become attached to it, the solution may become your next problem.
Powered by SuSE Linux 7.2 Professional Registered Linux User
Lourens Steenkamp Republic of South Africa
_________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
-- To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the FAQ at http://www.suse.com/support/faq and the archives at http://lists.suse.com
On Saturday 29 September 2001 4:26 pm, landie wrote:
yes but their tool are for windows and not linux
Not true. TuffTest is a self contained OS. Seatools uses DR-DOS but tools works with any OS. Essentiallly these are all low-level tools and do not care what OS is installed. Some of the tools (if not all) require Windows to create the bootable floppy. That's all. Seatools needs to see at least one Seagate drive but will work on all installed. I guess that this is the same for most of the manufacturers software. M -- Martin Webster <mwebster@ntlworld.com> Registered Linux User #230322 http://homepage.ntlworld.com/spider-monkey/
On Sat, 29 Sep 2001 12:26:34 -0400 (EDT) Hello landie from Lourens: " yes but their tool are for windows and not linux " ?? The download pages contains the following: To create a bootable DFT diskette under Linux: Download the bootable version of DFT (dft-v210img.bin) into a known directory on your PC. Insert a formatted 1.44 MB diskette into your disk drive. Make sure that the floppy disk is unmounted. Change directory to where you saved the DFT image. Run the Disk Dump (dd) utility with the following parameters: dd if=dft-v210img.bin of=/dev/fd0 bs=8k Note: /dev/fd0 is the first diskette drive. Use /dev/fd1 if you would like to use the second diskette drive to create the DFT diskette. The bootable DFT diskette will now be created, Note this could take a couple of minutes . " > On Fri, 28 Sep 2001 18:26:00 -0400 " > Hello Landy from Lourens: " > " > " i am really in need of a toold to examine the health of a hd? " > " " > " > Western Digital: look on their site for dlgdiag " > IBM (thorough) and others (general): search for Disk Fitness Test " > (dft-v210img.bin) " > Seagate: http://www.seagate.com/support/seatools/B7a.html " > General: search for TuffTest Lite " > System load testing - Cerberus : " http://sourceforge.net/projects/va-ctcs " > " > HTH " > " > *** " > " > If you find a solution and become attached to it, " > the solution may become your next problem. " > " > *** " > " > Powered by SuSE Linux 7.2 Professional " > Registered Linux User " > " > Lourens Steenkamp " > Republic of South Africa " > " > " > " > " > " > " > " > " > " > _________________________________________________________ " > Do You Yahoo!? " > Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com " > " > " > -- " > To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com " > For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com " > Also check the FAQ at http://www.suse.com/support/faq and the " > archives at http://lists.suse.com " > " > *** If you find a solution and become attached to it, the solution may become your next problem. *** Powered by SuSE Linux 7.2 Professional Registered Linux User Lourens Steenkamp Republic of South Africa _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
participants (5)
Dave Jones
Landy Roman
Lourens Steenkamp
Martin Webster