Tumbleweed 20211121 - No PIDs left to attach to the scope's control group, refusing: Success
Since updating to the latest TW 20211121 I've noticed some a new journal messages, three are logged for each occurrence of the issue: app-org.kde.kate-63c391d3ef34412d857871d30b4280c7.scope: No PIDs left to attach to the scope's control group, refusing: Success app-org.kde.kate-63c391d3ef34412d857871d30b4280c7.scope: Failed with result 'resources'. Failed to start Kate - Advanced Text Editor. The last is logged at priority 3, the first two at priority 4. The applications do start, despite the logged failure. This seems is happening with anything I start from the start-menu, or anything that gets started during session login. It doesn't happen if I start the same application from a shell. Is this a known new feature of 20211121? Can this be safely ignored? Full details from one of the messages: Journal Entry 2021-11-23 16:44:10.028759 CODE_FILE : src/core/scope.c CODE_FUNC : scope_start CODE_LINE : 378 MESSAGE : app-org.kde.kate-63c391d3ef34412d857871d30b4280c7.scope: No PIDs left to attach to the scope's control group, refusing: Success PRIORITY : 4 SYSLOG_FACILITY : 3 SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER : systemd TID : 1956 _CAP_EFFECTIVE : 0 _CMDLINE : /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user _COMM : systemd _EXE : /usr/lib/systemd/systemd _GID : 500 _HOSTNAME : kosmos1 _PID : 1956 _SELINUX_CONTEXT : unconfined _SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP: 2021-11-23 16:44:10.028724 _SYSTEMD_CGROUP : /user.slice/user-500.slice/user@500.service/init.scope _SYSTEMD_OWNER_UID : 500 _SYSTEMD_SLICE : user-500.slice _SYSTEMD_UNIT : user@500.service _SYSTEMD_USER_SLICE : -.slice _SYSTEMD_USER_UNIT : init.scope _TRANSPORT : journal _UID : 500 __REALTIME_TIMESTAMP : 2021-11-23 16:44:10.028759
participants (1)
Michael Hamilton