since upgrading to k-mail 3.3.91 beta1 I can't send mail. I get the following error message: Authorisation failed, An error occured during authentication: SASL(-4): no mechanism available: No worthy mechs found authentication not supported. Any idea's? Thanks Phil

On Saturday 05 March 2005 04:39, Phil Burness wrote:
since upgrading to k-mail 3.3.91 beta1 I can't send mail. I get the following error message:
Authorisation failed, An error occured during authentication: SASL(-4): no mechanism available: No worthy mechs found authentication not supported.
Any idea's?
Thanks Phil
First thing I'd do is to test your smtp server by selecting: Settings -> Configure Kmail -> Accounts -> Sending -> Outgoing Account -> (select the smtp account) -> Modify (check the status of the 'Server requires authentication' box) -> Security Tab and select the 'Check what the server supports' button. If the result is 'Plain' in the 'Authentication Method' area than you don't require any authentication and you have to make sure that the 'Server requires authentication' box is left unchecked. If the result is 'Login' than you have to make sure that your login/password is correct and the '....require auth.....' box is checked. If the results are 'Cram...' or 'Digest...' than make sure that the package 'cyrus-sasl' is installed on your system. It is a package that provides for client authentication (a 'mechanism' mentioned in your error output) should the server side require it. You should find the 'cyrus-sasl' package on your distribution DVD/CD. Hope this helps.....
participants (2)
Phil Burness