[S.u.S.E. Linux] GNU Login
I'm a Linux newbie and just got SuSE Linux. Could anyone help me with setting up a gnu login for the system? Any help will be deeply appreciated. Thanks, Al -- To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e
I'm a Linux newbie and just got SuSE Linux. Could anyone help me with setting up a gnu login for the system?
Unfortunately I have no idea what you mean by a GNU Login. Do you mean a new login? as in an additional user? If so, then run yast as root, hit the item for administer system and then administer users, fill out the fields and hit f4 to create the user. In fact, page 289 of the manual begins section 19.1 Logging in, "root", adding users. page 291 features example commands # useradd -u 300 -g users -d /home/newbie -s /bin/bash -m newbie # passwd newbie Details of these commands can be found with 'man'. If you refer to the program 'login', then I was unaware that there was an official GNU version. If this does not answer the question, then please provide a more detailed description of what you are trying to do. -josh
Any help will be deeply appreciated.
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