[S.u.S.E. Linux] Am I paranoid, is it Microsoft, or what?

Hello, I have SuSE 5.1 running, and I had to go out of town. So I took my PC apart and hid it like any respectable paranoid would do. Up to my leaving, SuSE ran beautifully, using EzPPP as my Internet connect. I have sung the praises of SuSE to everyone I have met. When I returned home, and tried to log on using EzPPP, I would get error messages, when trying to use TCP/IP to Mindspring. The messages basically said that there was no entry for any nameserver at Mindspring. I couldn't connect to pop.mindspring.com nor any web site. The system worked perfectly 1 month ago. What happened? I can use Windows95 to get online, but Linux is not allowed. In the intervening month, while I was gone, Microsoft bought off some judge to allow them to distribute Win98 with IE4 Browser built in, and Mindspring's stock just recently split, with a tremendous gain. Do you smart guys out there see why I'm paranoid? Does anyone else out there feel that some government entity has aligned with Microsoft, to force everyone onto the Microsoft bandwagon? What does this say about the Internet? Who controls it? You can call me paranoid, but this did occur. I'm using Win95 right now, to upload this. I freely admit that I might have made some error in SuSE configuration, but why did it work fine 1 month ago, and stonewalls me now? If anything, this speaks for more strigent anti-trust legislation against Microsoft. Of course, that would be useless if Microsoft is a front for some intelligence agency , as I suspect. As any "paranoid" knows..... you can't fight "them". Your "delusional" Linux-loving friend, zentara - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e

zentara wrote:
I have SuSE 5.1 running, and I had to go out of town. So I took my PC apart and hid it like any respectable paranoid would do. Up to my leaving, SuSE ran beautifully, using EzPPP as my Internet connect. I have sung the praises of SuSE to everyone I have met.
When I returned home, and tried to log on using EzPPP, I would get error messages, when trying to use TCP/IP to Mindspring.
The messages basically said that there was no entry for any nameserver at Mindspring. I couldn't connect to pop.mindspring.com nor any web site.
The system worked perfectly 1 month ago. What happened?
Could you run a traceroute to it (may show a problem) also another possible problem is /etc/resolv.confmaybee they updated their name servers? Try telephoning tech support and ask for the ip addresses of their dns servers and check them against /etc/resolv.conf if their different then that is most likley to be your problem but can you get to other sites?
I can use Windows95 to get online, but Linux is not allowed.
Don't try windows98 to get online ;o)
In the intervening month, while I was gone, Microsoft bought off some judge to allow them to distribute Win98 with IE4 Browser built in, and Mindspring's stock just recently split, with a tremendous gain. Do you smart guys out there see why I'm paranoid?
Does anyone else out there feel that some government entity has aligned with Microsoft, to force everyone onto the Microsoft bandwagon?
What does this say about the Internet? Who controls it?
You can call me paranoid, but this did occur. I'm using Win95 right now, to upload this.
I freely admit that I might have made some error in SuSE configuration, but why did it work fine 1 month ago, and stonewalls me now?
If anything, this speaks for more strigent anti-trust legislation against Microsoft. Of course, that would be useless if Microsoft is a front for some intelligence agency , as I suspect. As any "paranoid" knows..... you can't fight "them".
as far as microsofts share of the PC market goes.. if they keep up the way their going with windows98 their gonna lose a lot of it. the distributors release of windows98 which i have (dont stone me i don't distribute win98) could be clasified as ALPHA for stability not BETAand deffinatly NOT production
Your "delusional" Linux-loving friend, zentara
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- To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e

They probably changed thier nameservers..... DUH!!!!! zentara wrote:
I have SuSE 5.1 running, and I had to go out of town. So I took my PC apart and hid it like any respectable paranoid would do. Up to my leaving, SuSE ran beautifully, using EzPPP as my Internet connect. I have sung the praises of SuSE to everyone I have met.
When I returned home, and tried to log on using EzPPP, I would get error messages, when trying to use TCP/IP to Mindspring.
The messages basically said that there was no entry for any nameserver at Mindspring. I couldn't connect to pop.mindspring.com nor any web site.
The system worked perfectly 1 month ago. What happened?
I can use Windows95 to get online, but Linux is not allowed.
In the intervening month, while I was gone, Microsoft bought off some judge to allow them to distribute Win98 with IE4 Browser built in, and Mindspring's stock just recently split, with a tremendous gain. Do you smart guys out there see why I'm paranoid?
Does anyone else out there feel that some government entity has aligned with Microsoft, to force everyone onto the Microsoft bandwagon?
What does this say about the Internet? Who controls it?
You can call me paranoid, but this did occur. I'm using Win95 right now, to upload this.
I freely admit that I might have made some error in SuSE configuration, but why did it work fine 1 month ago, and stonewalls me now?
If anything, this speaks for more strigent anti-trust legislation against Microsoft. Of course, that would be useless if Microsoft is a front for some intelligence agency , as I suspect. As any "paranoid" knows..... you can't fight "them".
Your "delusional" Linux-loving friend, zentara
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-- - - -- IMHO BEST Beginners book so far. Sams' Teach Yourself Linux in 24 hours. redhat press. - Celis Gran Cru and Linux; Nowhere but South Austin Texas. - - - TEX <A HREF="http://www.ccms.net/~mhtexcollins/78704.htm"><A HREF="http://www.ccms.net/~mhtexcollins/78704.htm</A">http://www.ccms.net/~mhtexcollins/78704.htm</A</A>> __ / / __ _ _ _ _ __ __ / /__ / / / \// //_// \ \/ / /____/ /_/ /_/\/ /___/ /_/\_\ ...for IQs GREATER than 95/98?... --- - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e

Stuart, You like most people know what you were taught about "anti-trust." I suggest that you look for a book called "The Triumph of Conservatism" by Gabriel Kolko. He's written several books looking at anti-trust and "merger mania" from 1895 to about 1912. (A separate book covers railroads.) If you were a business would it be easier, cheaper to buy out the competition, out produce them,......or regulate them out of business. It is cheaper to buy a few bureaucrats and politicians. The general public really never knows. AT&T didn't exactly go to it's break up "kicking and screaming." As for cheaper phone service, my inter-lata bill runs $30 to $100 a month, my long distance 5 or 6 bucks. And what do our European comrades pay? Enjoy the internet "now" as it appears to me the phone company doesn't like losing out when money can be made. As a Ham I'm watching "businesses" position themselves to gobble up spectrum and there has already been talk about internet. Look at who adminsters the "government" and where they come from. Some will not like what I say, but that German philosopher(with whom I do not agree, by the way), Hegal was very clever, THESIS, ANTI-THESIS => SYNTHESIS. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, talks like a duck........... Best regards, Bob Russell kc8chq@juno.com Micro$oft, what do you want to spend today? If Microsoft built Cars: Every time they repainted the lines on the road, you'd have to buy a new car. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at <A HREF="http://www.juno.com"><A HREF="http://www.juno.com</A">http://www.juno.com</A</A>> Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e

Well. It's not over yet. I just ran fetchmail and it downloaded messages from late June. Sorry for the waste of bandwidth, but I thought I'd give it the first inevitable mention. -M One is most dishonest towards one's God; he is not _permitted_ to sin. - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e
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