I've been gone for a while, due to a cooked computer. I had to work off my Samba box, that is slow and just a place to put drivers, iso's and docs. So I built a new machine "I'm back", and I am trying to save a little bit of money. I reused my ram (I had just bought it for the other machine when the drives started cooking, never installed). It is only PC2100, although the board takes it, and uses it as dual channel, but the board takes up to PC3200. As this isn't a game machine, how much real world desktop performance would I see by swapping the memory? System specs AMD 64 4000 (only upgraded because of the price I got this for) Gigabyte K8nsc939 1 gb pc 2100 Thanks all
On Friday 11 November 2005 09:45, lerninlinux@comcast.net wrote:
I've been gone for a while, due to a cooked computer. I had to work off my Samba box, that is slow and just a place to put drivers, iso's and docs. So I built a new machine "I'm back", and I am trying to save a little bit of money. I reused my ram (I had just bought it for the other machine when the drives started cooking, never installed). It is only PC2100, although the board takes it, and uses it as dual channel, but the board takes up to PC3200. As this isn't a game machine, how much real world desktop performance would I see by swapping the memory?
If it's just ordinary "desktoppy" stuff - office suite, mail, internet, programming, that sort of thing, you won't notice the difference. I'm running my 1.1Ghz Athlon at work on an old MSI KT266 board with DDR266 memory. It used to be on an ASUS board with dual channel DDR400, but for office work I don't see the difference. Maybe a few minutes per seti packet, but hardly enough to get excited about. Hans
participants (2)
Hans du Plooy