Folks, I'm noticing that SUSE 9.2 configures vsFTP as an xinetd service, which is different from Red Hat and Debian. I thought stand-alone services were more the norm. Any particular reason why SUSE does vsFTP as a stand-alone service? In addition, the default configuration includes user = root (/etc/xinetd.d/vsftpd), which I thought was not allowed by vsFTP. /etc/passwd does include a ftp user with a default /srv/ftp home directory, which seems better. But when I try to change the user in /etc/xinetd.d/vsftpd to ftp, I get "OOPS" such as "cannot open config file". So I chown vsftpd.conf to ftp, and end up with a "must be started as root" OOPS... Are there any howtos for getting vsFTP running on SUSE securely? It sure seems trickier than Red Hat or Debian's binary. Thanks, Mike
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