applydeltaiso - inconsistent results
I get inconsistent results when I build ISO files for b3->b4 opensuse i386. The CLI is: $ applydeltaiso SUSE-10.0-CD-OSS-i386-Beta3-CD1.iso SUSE-10.0-CD-OSS-i386-Beta4-CD1.iso Attempt1: md5sum of ISO file != official b4 CD1 iso file. Upon mounting the ISO file and checking out the rpm files, only one rpm file reports error "error: i586/xorg-x11-Xvnc-6.8.2-94.i586.rpm: V3 DSA signature: BAD, key ID 9c800aca" Attempt2: I get error shown below: reading 169027694 bytes from old iso...done indata read 8192 bytes failed Attempt3: md5sum of ISO file == official CD1 iso file !!! The input files are the same in all 3 runs and yet the results are different. The md5sum of the original b3 and delta files checkout against the official md5sums. System Setup: SuSE 9.3/x86_64, RAM 1G, CPU AMD65 3000+, HDD ATA/133 and SATA. Any thoughts on what could be causing the errors? -- Arun Khan (knura at yahoo dot com) "But I don't like Spam!!!!"
participants (1)
Arun K. Khan