The BBC gets it right once in a while(OT) "It could become like a red rag to a bull," said said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at anti-virus firm Sophos. "There is already an obsession with Microsoft in the virus writing community and this could encourage people to write viruses to try and subvert it," he said. Many of Mr Cluley's customers were surprised by Microsoft's decision to enter the anti-virus market, he said. "People think it is ironic that they could be getting fixes from the company that built the problems into the software in the first place," he said. In the mid-nineties Microsoft had a brief flirtation with an anti-virus product which it bundled with the Windows operating system. "It was a disastrous flop and couldn't detect the viruses," said Mr Cluley. -- Planet Earth - a subsidiary of Microsoft®. We have no bugs in our software, Never!, We do have undocumented added features, that you will find amusing, at no added cost, to you, at this time.
participants (1)
Fred A. Miller