Difference between cd and dvd's ?
All, This is very strang e I actually purchased the box set of SuSE 9.2 Pro. I installed it on a machine at work with the regular cd's because I have no dvd in it, I also installed it at home off the DVD. Well the machine at work when I go in to yast and do a search for the ximian-connector it does not find it, but at home off the dvd install it found it and installed it fine.
On Thu, 3 Mar 2005 07:35:30 -0500, Elijah Savage <esavage@digitalrage.org> wrote:
This is very strang e I actually purchased the box set of SuSE 9.2 Pro. I installed it on a machine at work with the regular cd's because I have no dvd in it, I also installed it at home off the DVD. Well the machine at work when I go in to yast and do a search for the ximian-connector it does not find it, but at home off the dvd install it found it and installed it fine.
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I have heard it mentioned before that not everything is on the CD's that is on the DVD. I would have thought that everything would be on the CD's too. Perhpas somebody could clarify this? I also had some trouble with the help pages after installing from DVD. I've not tried the CD's but somebody I know has (SuSE 9.2) and they have all the help docs? -- Take care. Kevan Farmer 34 Hill Street Cheslyn Hay Staffordshire WS6 7HR
Do the math: 5 CDs a 650 GB 1 DVD9 with 8 GB (but support for both i386 and x86-64) Btw. check also: http://www.novell.com/products/linuxpackages/professional/diff_cd_dvd.html Andreas -- Andreas Jaeger, aj@suse.de, http://www.suse.de/~aj SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany GPG fingerprint = 93A3 365E CE47 B889 DF7F FED1 389A 563C C272 A126
On Thursday 03 March 2005 14:28, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
Do the math: 5 CDs a 650 GB 1 DVD9 with 8 GB (but support for both i386 and x86-64)
Btw. check also:
http://www.novell.com/products/linuxpackages/professional/diff_cd_dvd .html
Thanks Andreas. This one is a keeper to send when the question comes up again.. -- Powered by SuSE 9.2 Kernel 2.6.8 KDE 3.3.0 Kmail 1.7.1 For Mondo/Mindi backup support go to http://www.mikenjane.net/~mike 4:33pm up 3 days 23:48, 3 users, load average: 2.19, 2.19, 2.23
On Thursday 03 March 2005 16:34, Mike wrote:
On Thursday 03 March 2005 14:28, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
Do the math: 5 CDs a 650 GB 1 DVD9 with 8 GB (but support for both i386 and x86-64)
Btw. check also:
http://www.novell.com/products/linuxpackages/professional/diff_cd_dvd .html
Thanks Andreas. This one is a keeper to send when the question comes up again..
Just (16:46) tried, it gives: HTTP 404: Seite nicht gefunden Die Seite wurde nicht gefunden. Url = http://www.novell.com/products/linuxpackages/professional/diff_cd_dvd Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten. Die gewünschte Seite wurde möglicherweise entfernt, ihr Name wurde geändert oder sie ist vorübergehend nicht verfügbar. Verwenden Sie die Links in der unteren Navigationsleite oder führen Sie im Bereich rechts oben eine Suche durch. Falls Sie die Adresse der Website manuell eingegeben haben, vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Eingabe korrekt ist. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis! So it is probably moved... But anyway, as this subject keep returning on (not-only) this list, and to prevent new people falling in the same trap, It might be worthwhile to add a note in paragraph 1.1.2 (pag 9) of the admin guide, that there *IS* a difference. Hans
On Thursday 03 March 2005 10:56, Hans Witvliet wrote:
Btw. check also:
http://www.novell.com/products/linuxpackages/professional/diff_cd_dvd .html
Just (16:46) tried, it gives:
HTTP 404: Seite nicht gefunden Die Seite wurde nicht gefunden. Url = http://www.novell.com/products/linuxpackages/professional/diff_cd_dvd
The page loads just fine. You missed the wrap --> ~/diff_cd_dvd.html Chris
So it is probably moved... But anyway, as this subject keep returning on (not-only) this list, and to prevent new people falling in the same trap, It might be worthwhile to add a note in paragraph 1.1.2 (pag 9) of the admin guide, that there *IS* a difference.
On Thursday 03 Mar 2005 12:35, Elijah Savage wrote:
This is very strang e I actually purchased the box set of SuSE 9.2 Pro. I installed it on a machine at work with the regular cd's because I have no dvd in it, I also installed it at home off the DVD. Well the machine at work when I go in to yast and do a search for the ximian-connector it does not find it, but at home off the dvd install it found it and installed it fine.
The DVDs hold some software that is not on the CDs. -- Pob hwyl / Best wishes Kevin Donnelly www.kyfieithu.co.uk - Meddalwedd Rhydd yn Gymraeg www.cymrux.org.uk - Linux Cymraeg ar un CD!
Shouldn't there somewhere be a list of what is on the DVD's which is NOT on the CD's?! Martin Kevin Donnelly wrote:
On Thursday 03 Mar 2005 12:35, Elijah Savage wrote:
This is very strang e I actually purchased the box set of SuSE 9.2 Pro. I installed it on a machine at work with the regular cd's because I have no dvd in it, I also installed it at home off the DVD. Well the machine at work when I go in to yast and do a search for the ximian-connector it does not find it, but at home off the dvd install it found it and installed it fine.
The DVDs hold some software that is not on the CDs.
On Thursday 03 March 2005 12:52, Martin Deppe wrote:
Shouldn't there somewhere be a list of what is on the DVD's which is NOT on the CD's?!
Absolutely ... there's a <sarcastic>supremely helpful</sarcastic> "QnA" on the Novell website: http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/qna/11512.html ... which neglects to mention _which_ package are not on the CDs, and nor does it even link to the list, which I found after a bit of searching ... ... a careful full-text search for "9.2 CD package list" in the SDB (which is starting to look more and more restricted, but which continues to work OK without logging in for now) finds http://portal.suse.com/sdb/en/2004/12/dstark_paketdiffs_92.html ... which in turn links to http://www.novell.com/de-de/products/linuxpackages/professional/diff_cd_dvd.... "Some software packages are only available on the DVD. Below is a complete list of these packages." Note that the QnA could straightforwardly include a link to that page, but doesn't. Click ... click ... click ... click ... I'm wearing out my mouse here ;) -- Bill
Elijah Savage wrote:
This is very strang e I actually purchased the box set of SuSE 9.2 Pro. I installed it on a machine at work with the regular cd's because I have no dvd in it, I also installed it at home off the DVD. Well the machine at work when I go in to yast and do a search for the ximian-connector it does not find it, but at home off the dvd install it found it and installed it fine.
No it's not strange. The DVD has more stuff on it, than the CDs. Yast can't install stuff it can't find. However, what you can do, is mount the DVD on another system and use NFS to access it. You can then update the Yast installation source, to use that share. If you can spare the space, you can also copy the entire DVD onto your hard drive and update Yast accordingly.
Mount /media/dvd cp -rap /media/dvd /export/nfs/suse-dvd Modify /etc/exports That should get you exported NFS media but how would you now YAST update it to the Latest and greatest?? or your saying install via NFS then once installed YasT update the machine? Kinda would suck of that was the case and you were installing 20+ servers... wouldn't ya say? ;-) Hopefully there is a way to update the NFS export or something? Chris ----- Original Message ----- From: "James Knott" <james.knott@rogers.com> To: <suse-linux-e@suse.com> Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 9:20 AM Subject: Re: [SLE] Difference between cd and dvd's ?
Elijah Savage wrote:
This is very strang e I actually purchased the box set of SuSE 9.2 Pro. I installed it on a machine at work with the regular cd's because I have no dvd in it, I also installed it at home off the DVD. Well the machine at work when I go in to yast and do a search for the ximian-connector it does not find it, but at home off the dvd install it found it and installed it fine.
No it's not strange. The DVD has more stuff on it, than the CDs. Yast can't install stuff it can't find. However, what you can do, is mount the DVD on another system and use NFS to access it. You can then update the Yast installation source, to use that share. If you can spare the space, you can also copy the entire DVD onto your hard drive and update Yast accordingly.
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Chris Denneen wrote:
Mount /media/dvd cp -rap /media/dvd /export/nfs/suse-dvd Modify /etc/exports
That should get you exported NFS media but how would you now YAST update it to the Latest and greatest??
or your saying install via NFS then once installed YasT update the machine? Kinda would suck of that was the case and you were installing 20+ servers... wouldn't ya say? ;-)
Hopefully there is a way to update the NFS export or something?
You can export the DVD from one system to as many as you want. In fact, if you were rolling out a large number of systems, that is precicely what you'd do and Yast will automatically point to that server. On your system, after you export the DVD, go into Yast > Software > Change Sourse of Installation. In there, you can add a source. You'd specify NFS, include the server and share name, and it should be OK.
Hi Elijah, There is a huge difference in package content between the DVD and the CDs. The CDs have less packages. At some point I think I saw a posting on this list as to exactly what is the difference. You can do a search on the archive. I think it was on Novell's web site. George --- Elijah Savage <esavage@digitalrage.org> wrote:
This is very strang e I actually purchased the box set of SuSE 9.2 Pro. I installed it on a machine at work with the regular cd's because I have no dvd in it, I also installed it at home off the DVD. Well the machine at work when I go in to yast and do a search for the ximian-connector it does not find it, but at home off the dvd install it found it and installed it fine.
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participants (12)
Andreas Jaeger
Chris Denneen
Christopher Shanahan
Elijah Savage
George Stoianov
Hans Witvliet
James Knott
Kevin Donnelly
Martin Deppe
William Gallafent