I have decided to do a clean install of SuSE Pro 9.2 and would like some advice on several points. Background: My current system is a P4 2.8 Mhz w/ 1 GB RAM and two 80 GB HDs. Windoze XP SP2 is on the first HD. The second HD has a 500 MB partition formatted FAT16 and the remainder is SuSE Pro 9.0 with a 1 GB Linux Swap partition and the rest a single / partition using ReiserFS. I have Ximian (GNOME) Desktop 2, Evolution 1.4.6, Ximian oOo 1.1.1, and Firefox 1.0 installed. I want to use GNOME but assume that I'll be using SuSE's version and that I'll use YaST instead of Red Carpet for my updating. 1. Does the SuSE 9.2 installation need to begin in the first 1024 cylinders, or can I install SuSE anywhere? e.g. if my SuSE partition began at the 10, 15, or 20 GB point of an 80 GB HDD, would this cause any problems? I thought that recent iterations of Linux were not required to begin within the 1024 limit, but I have heard conflicting opinions on the subject. 2. When I installed SuSe 9.0, I intended to use Boot Magic (that comes with Partition Magic) as my boot manager. However, I unintentionally chose to use grub, so I deactivated Boot Magic. I use grub and it is OK but I do prefer BM. Once I have backed-up the data and settings that I want to keep, I plan to delete the current SuSE partitions using Partition Magic. However, how do I delete whatever changes have been made to the MBR when I installed grub? How do I avoid setting grub as my boot manager at installation of SuSE 9.2? (I seem to remember with RH 7.1 that I selected lilo as the boot loader but, by opting not to make any changes to the MBR, I was able to use Boot magic as my boot manager.) 3. Will the data and especially the settings that I transfer from my 9.0 system to 9.2 run into any compatibility problems, especially in re: Evolution? Should I expect this to be able to move data and settings from Evolution 1.4.6 to 2.0.x , or might there be complications? If so, how can I avoid or otherwise deal with them? I plan to save and transfer several folders in /home/kelly, especially /Documents and /evolution. What about some of the "hidden" folders and files in /home/kelly - are any of them important to transfer? TIA Kelly Morris

Kelly J. Morris wrote:
I have decided to do a clean install of SuSE Pro 9.2 and would like some advice on several points.
Background: My current system is a P4 2.8 Mhz w/ 1 GB RAM and two 80 GB HDs. Windoze XP SP2 is on the first HD. The second HD has a 500 MB partition formatted FAT16 and the remainder is SuSE Pro 9.0 with a 1 GB Linux Swap partition and the rest a single / partition using ReiserFS. I have Ximian (GNOME) Desktop 2, Evolution 1.4.6, Ximian oOo 1.1.1, and Firefox 1.0 installed. I want to use GNOME but assume that I'll be using SuSE's version and that I'll use YaST instead of Red Carpet for my updating.
[ clipped all the middle stuff ]
3. Will the data and especially the settings that I transfer from my 9.0 system to 9.2 run into any compatibility problems, especially in re: Evolution? Should I expect this to be able to move data and settings from Evolution 1.4.6 to 2.0.x , or might there be complications? If so, how can I avoid or otherwise deal with them?
see the evolution Archives at http://lists.ximian.com/archives/public/evolution/ Especially look at the thread, "Moving settings between computers" in the December section. The Ximian people didn't make it obvious how to move old data into a new install. They seem to have assumed that you will be upgrading in place. - 1) the old data is in ~/evolution - 2) the new data is in ~/.evolution (mbox style is changed) - 3) gnome's evolution config stuff is in ~/.gconf/apps/evolution - 4) the Gconf daemon and the evolution backend MUST be forced OFF before you start bringing in your old stuff changes, or else your newly installed config info will over-write some of the changes you thought you were entering :-(( Recap: during in-place upgrades, evolution sees the old ~/evolution and its config files, so it moves into translating old style mbox email archives. The results go into ~/.evolution. With a clean install and no obvious old stuff, there is no reason for new evolution to allow you to ask for importing from an old evolution. You must trick it. Part of the trick is to kill the Gconf daemon, copy your OLD configuration over the new, bring in your old archives, then restart evolution and let it do its conversions. The info is spread out through the list thread. Follow it. http://lists.ximian.com/archives/public/evolution/2004-December/thread.html After you finish, please re-write this and clean it up. I am a power/lighting engineer, not a software engineer. I didn't get it all the first time, either :-) I didn't get the address book, but decided it was a good excuse to start clean and clear out LOTS of obsolete entries. As you can see from the headers, I am using Thunderbird for the time being. New Evolution can't zoom text size while in plain text mode. Since I can't read it on my CAD workstation, I can't use it for now. Guenther filed a bugzilla report. I plan to move back to Evolution when I can read it better.
I plan to save and transfer several folders in /home/kelly, especially /Documents and /evolution. What about some of the "hidden" folders and files in /home/kelly - are any of them important to transfer?
TIA Kelly Morris
participants (2)
Kelly J. Morris
Stanley Long