Hi all, I have just spent the day playing with my new SuSE 8.0 install and I must say those guys & gals at SuSE have been working hard. Never have I seen an installation go so smoothly & quickly without one little blip in the install. Everything is working very nicely and I can't say that I have ever seen a more qualified Linux to go on the desktop! KDE3 is very nice also and as of yet I have had no problems with any part of it. One thing I have found and suggest to everyone else too, watch what "old" settings files you try to bring over from your earlier versions as they can cause some problems. Most of the KDE settings I have just redid, because of the changes from 2.2 to 3.0 and I suggest you do the same. Programs like Gaim, etc. seem to work nicely with the old settings, so you may just have to use a trial & error on some. Anyway, my brain is tired from playing so long today and it needs rest, but I did want to say a bit "THANKS" to SuSE for all the work put into this new version. Well done! Patrick -- --- KMail v1.4 --- SuSE Linux Pro v8.0 --- Registered Linux User #225206 Magic Page Products -- Amiga-SuSE-PC Sales & Service URL: http://home.sprintmail.com/~tracerb
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