[S.u.S.E. Linux] request-route - looping
Hello David, I very much favour your web-page www.xnet.com/~efflandt/linux on behalf of the dial-on-demand-technique via /sbin/request-route. However I came recently upon the problem, that my ISP unpredictably interrupts the login process and request-route is going on and on to redial, because it couldn't satisfy the request otherwise. As the login process is cut off immediately after establishing the connection, this could result in permanent blocking of the phone line by the continous redial attempts and quite a large phone bill. Is there a way to limit the redial attempts via /sbin/request-route for a certain request ? Thanks for your infos, Herbert _____________________________________________ Herbert Betz - Landshut - herbertbetz@csi.com - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e
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