I seem to have forgotten how to get into MySQL and work. (It's been a while but I'm starting up again. I get these errors: bob@sfpetard:~> mysqladmin create library mysqladmin: CREATE DATABASE failed; error: 'Access denied for user: '@localhost' to database 'library'' and: bob@sfpetard:~> mysql Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 13 to server version: 3.23.44-Max-log Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql> show databases -> ; +-----------+ | Database | +-----------+ | addresses | | inventory | | libes | | mysql | | sample | | test | +-----------+ 6 rows in set (0.01 sec) mysql> use libes ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: '@localhost' to database 'libes' I am doing this on SuSE 7.3. I know there is a user mysql already set up but I don't knwo the password. -- Bob Rea ************************************************** "On the side of the box, under 'System Requirements', it said 'Requires Windows 95 or better'. So I installed Linux." ************************************************** sfpetard@earthlink.net http://home.earthlink.net/~sfpetard/
On Tue, 19 Feb 2002 16:01:12 -0800 Bob Rea <sfpetard@earthlink.net> wrote:
I seem to have forgotten how to get into MySQL and work. (It's been a while but I'm starting up again. I get these errors:
ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: '@localhost' to database 'libes'
I am doing this on SuSE 7.3. I know there is a user mysql already set up but I don't knwo the password.
Well if you have root access, you can go into /var/lib/mysql and look thru the files for your password. It is stored in plain text in some of those files. On mine they are in "host-name"-bin.001 etc.. Just scan thru those files and see if one of the words you come across ring a bell. That's one of the reasons you are not supposed to let users have access to /var/lib/mysql. -- $|=1;while(1){print pack("h*",'75861647f302d4560275f6272797f3');sleep(1); for(1..16){for(8,32,8,7){print chr($_);}select(undef,undef,undef,.05);}}
I seem to have forgotten how to get into MySQL and work. (It's been a while but I'm starting up again. I get these errors: ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: '@localhost' to database 'libes' I am doing this on SuSE 7.3. I know there is a user mysql already set up but I don't knwo the password.
You could try stopping MySQL (rcmysql stop), and then restarting it without the grant tables: safe_mysqld --skip-grant-tables This should allow open access. Login to the mysql table (mysql -u root mysql), and reset the passwords, eg: update user set password=password("newpass") where user="root"; Logout, and then reload MySQL with the proper grant tables (mysqladmin -u root reload), and then log in again (mysql -uroot -p) and give the new password. This time, write it down somewhere! The above should work - let me know how you get on. Kevin Donnelly
participants (3)
Bob Rea
Kevin Donnelly