Working with KDE Wallet System: Storing Network Manager passphrase:
I am interested in your thoughts about using the 'KDE Wallet system' or at least reviewing more about it. I see that if I proceed to setup with KMail there is an option to use the KDE wallet system also. Activating the machines wireless capability through: > System Settings > Network > Connections > Wi-Fi Security > Password > Store Password for this user only (encrypted) (entered password) > Apply > Exit (top right) > Powercycled. No passphrase appears stored. KDE Desktop > 'Wi-Fi password dialog window - KDE Daemon' asks for password connection. I notice that I can set password and store password for all users (not encrypted). problem...password remembered. Except. 1. Where is the location of this none encrypted password file? If I decide to go this route (it's known to work). How to revert on this - remove this stored password for all users once this step is performed? 2. Any idea on as to why: > Store Password for this user only (encrypted) (entered password) > Apply > Exit (top right) > Powercycled. < Does not seem to store passphrase? 3. Could I ask for a preferred link in regards to openSUSE for the KDE Wallet system (Using TDE here). It seems this is basically a subtle nuance nevertheless it seems to exist that is why I am asking. -Wishes
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