Re: [opensuse][SOLVED] Problem with Compiz Fusion

On 1/24/08, Husam Senussi <> wrote:
Cool that seems to work :)
I need also to restart the machine for some reason !!!
I can now play around with themes :)
On 24 Jan 2008, at 12:22, rvJJax wrote:
On 1/24/08, Husam Senussi <> wrote:
I'm having problem getting Compiz Fusion to work with 8800GT, I followed the instruction on the web page but it doesn't seems to work.
First the title bar for windows despaired and can't get the focus when I use terminal, the manager seems to be running there is icon task bar.
also none of the manager function seems to be working like switching desktop
Thanks --
i have the same problem with you two days ago.
there is three think that you must check or try after you install compiz-fusion but it doesn't work (i assumed you using KDE)
first, try to enabled "Show icons in desktop" option in [Personal Settings >> Desktop >> Behavior].
second, select "Start with empty sessions" in "On Login" options, in [Personal Settings >> KDE Components >> Session Manager]
third, create a file "/home/<name>/.config/compiz/compiz-manager", where the contents is: +++ COMPIZ_OPTIONS="--no-libgl-fallback --ignore-desktop-hints --replace" LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 +++
4rd, log off and login again. i hope it's work :). have fun!
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