Re: [SuSE Linux] hidden files not hidden
Ah! This is a load off my mind - I thought I might have to do some serious word-eating at some point. Red Hat's default ~/.bashrc is sparser and fully in line with bash design. I'll bet you don't still have the original Red Hat /etc/bashrc because /etc was overwritten by SuSE. But it may have had useful stuff. A system wide /etc/bashrc is where all the aliases and similar "not specifically login related" stuff can go. If you do any customizations, you can perfect them in your ~/.bashrc and then decide what ones to move to /etc/bashrc (for all user's bash shells) and /etc/skel (for all new user's initial ~/.bashrc). I'm going to check out the Red Hat ftp site at some point to have a gander at all their config files - just adopting them wholesale, to start, may be worth looking into. This explains a lot about the extreme confusion about the ls alias - it wasn't just SuSE's scripts, it was a mix. -Bob On 31 May 99, at 15:15, George Toft wrote:
Bob Easton wrote:
If you look in /etc/skel/.bashrc, the first *non-commented* line on my system is this: test -z "$PROFILEREAD" && . /etc/profile which sources /etc/profile unless it's already been sourced. (That variable PROFILEREAD is made non-null in /etc/profile.) Note that your ~/.bashrc sources /etc/bashrc if it exists. Does it exist on your system? And what does it contain? This is another difference between your system and mine. Not clear where it came from. Is there an account management package or something that you installed that I didn't, or vice versa?
OK - I nomimate myself for the 1999 Idiot's Choice Award. My ~/.bashrc is actually an artifact left over from my Red Hat install last Summer. Even though I performed a fresh install of SuSE 5.2 and 6.1, /home is on another partition, and was not touched during the installs.
All is clear now. Sucks when that happens. I guess that's one of the "benefits" of a highly configurable system.
-- George Toft <A HREF=""><A HREF="</A"></A</A>>
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