Re: [opensuse] Default suse 10.2 user / pass? (text only setup)

Sloan wrote:
That's odd, there should have been no problem with a GUI install, 512 MB is more than enough RAM. Perhaps your video chip is unknown/unsupported? In any case, after the reboot, the install should continue on to the screens where it asks for the choosing of the root password, network setup, hardware config, online update etc. If you never got to that, we have a mystery. Yeah, never got that... I tried the Safeboot option, but that did not help. Also tried the Rescue option on the boot cd, was able to log in as root with no password on that, but running passwd gave me some kind of error:
User not known to the underlying authentication module
Sunny wrote:
Then, check what you have in /etc/passwd: cat /etc/passwod. See if there is a line for a user, which cas ID of 1000, something like: <someuser>:x:1000:100:<something>:/home/<someuser>:/bin/bash
I looked at the passwd file in /etc, nothing like that, just Rescue, root, bin daemon, lp, mail, news, uucp, games, man, wwwrun, ftp, nobody, messagebus, haldaemon. Can I log in as nobody? Thanks! Joel
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