Anyone experiencing issues with Python/Tkinter on 7.3?
Hello, Last night I was trying some "Hello, world" example with python and Tkinter on my new 7.3 installation and Tkinter doesn't seem to be working right. I should point out that I'm not using tkinter-only package python-tkinter, I'm using the larger package that includes tkinter + a few other things -- python-tk. I'm at work now and my python book is at home, but to the best of my memory the program was like this: from Tkinter import * widget = Button(None, text='Hello world', command='exit') widget.pack() widget.mainloop() I was doing this in KDE 2.2.2 if it matters. Anyway, a new window would pop up titled "Tk" but there would be no button and no text and clicking it wouldn't make it go away (so I know the main window wasn't acting as a button). I know I've used Tkinter on older versions of SuSE/KDE, I just wonder if the example I was using doesn't apply to 7.3's version of Python/Tk, or if there's something broken with them or what? Anyone else run into anything unusual? Thanks ---------------------------------------------------- Jonathan Wilson System Administrator Cedar Creek Software
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