Re: [SLE] OT: Why Separate Partion for /home (was Upgrade)
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 15:56 , Sid Boyce <> sent:
Jerome R. Westrick wrote:
On Fri, 2004-10-29 at 04:37, C Hamel wrote:
On 21:52 Thu 28 Oct , James Knott wrote:
Backup the directory, then next time you install, create a /home partition.
Okay, People...
I'm almost scared to ask 'cuase it seams like a holy grail type thing with you guys, but.....
In the old days (before linux had decent file systems) you made separate partitions incase one of the other partions got trashed, it would not trash your data... (Note that it was usually the system partiions that got trashed...)
Now-a-days the file systems don't get trashed right?
Therefore the reason for having seperate partiitons has disappeared?
Or am I missing something?
Filesystems do get trashed, by hardware. Even Sun have gone away from slicing up a large disk into little bits, it's really a hangover from the days of small disks. If ever you have a bad IDE controller, it wrecks the whole disk, I've suffered this twice, so now I have / and swap. Many years ago I asked friends why they sliced up disks the way they did, but they had no answers, just symlinks crazily all over the place when they ran out of space on partitions. If there are multiple disks on separate controllers, IDE, SATA etc., it would make some sense, but if accidentally you did "rd /" with /home mounted, a fine mess you've got me into again Stanley, apologies to Laurel and Hardy. Regards Sid.
-- Sid Boyce .... Hamradio G3VBV and keen Flyer =====LINUX ONLY USED HERE=====
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The boot partition is kept separate, because some of the checking programs that Suse has for it, won't work when it is the same partition as the root, I have put the boot partition in with the root, it worked ok, but there was some squawking when I ran checks. It also seems in olden days, there was size limit and the programs like lilo couldn't find the boot section pass 2 gigs, I think that has been fixed, though. I agree with Sid, on some of the other reasons of having more than on partition. Sometimes it just makes for better housekeeping too? No doubt, I'll be corrected if I'm wrong on any of this!. ---Jim --- Msg sent via DIT Online WebMail
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Jim Worrest