All, I've got a Samba fileserver working pretty well, but it would be nice if I could have a web interface that allowed end-users to search for documents on the fileserver. Sort of like a google interface to the fileserver. The trouble is that a lot of the docs are in word, acrobat, etc. Does anyone know an open source search engine that has converters? I've looked at a couple of commercial search engines that would do the job, but I found the prices shockingly high. (i.e. $20K for a 100,000 document index) Greg Freemyer Internet Engineer Deployment and Integration Specialist Compaq ASE - Tru64 v4, v5 Compaq Master ASE - SAN Architect The Norcross Group
if you look around the htdig website ( ?), you'll find info on using word2txt pdftotxt and others to make .doc .pdf and so on files searchable by normal search engines - when the search engine finds a file to be indexed, it finds the suitable text converter, executes it, and parses the output. Ewan On Tue, 2002-07-23 at 23:37, Greg Freemyer wrote:
I've got a Samba fileserver working pretty well, but it would be nice if I could have a web interface that allowed end-users to search for documents on the fileserver.
Sort of like a google interface to the fileserver.
The trouble is that a lot of the docs are in word, acrobat, etc.
Does anyone know an open source search engine that has converters? I've looked at a couple of commercial search engines that would do the job, but I found the prices shockingly high. (i.e. $20K for a 100,000 document index)
Greg Freemyer Internet Engineer Deployment and Integration Specialist Compaq ASE - Tru64 v4, v5 Compaq Master ASE - SAN Architect The Norcross Group
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participants (2)
Ewan Leith
Greg Freemyer