RE: [SLE] (OT) AMD processors and Linux
My current PC has an AMD K6-2 350 with 96Mb RAM and a 3-yr old PCI 4Mb graphics card. I don't play games or run maths-intensive software, and find it difficult to justify any higher spec. Even Win95 works quickly. The law of diminishing returns in my opinion has kicked in big style with CPUs. Maybe with Crusoe we'll see a return to common sense. On Tuesday, February 29, 2000 2:51 PM, Bob [] wrote:
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, you wrote:
Seems that AMD processors, specifically the K6/2 series, seem to be very popular amongst the Linux community in general and the SuSE community in particular. Anybody know why this is? Not a complaint, only a question.
I think because they work well, and are cheaper. My present computer, whcih was a gift, came with oone and i was suprprised how well it does. And then Linux worked on it, Lot sof the lower-priced systems have them and they come from the most reliable manufacturers.
-- Bob Rea
"WorldSecure Server <>" made the following annotations on 02/29/00 15:09:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The opinions expressed within this email represent those of the individual and not necessarily those of Lombard. The contents of this Email may be privileged and are confidential. It may not be disclosed to or used by anyone other than the addressee(s), nor copied in any way. If received in error, please advise the sender, then delete from your system. Should you wish to use Email as a mode of communication, Lombard are unable to guarantee the security of Email content outside of our own computer systems. ============================================================================== -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the FAQ at
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 heres my system if your interested... amd k6-2/3dnow 300mhz...(benchmarks at 365mhz to 395mhz depending on the load)...amd gaurentee`s it not to drop below 333mhz 180mb ram...edo/fpu/sdram mixed...and running for 3 yrs no problems, on a m5atc mobo with award bios 16 mb voodoo 3 2000 pci video card 10.2 gig hd running win98 SE & NT server/ duel booted with suse linux 62 4.3 gig hd running just suse 63 hp8210i cd writer plus burner memorex 40 x cdrom iomega zip plus 100mb external drive hooked into zip zoom scsi card(adaptec 1503e) hauppauge wintv tuner card bt848 chipset usr sportster 56k/V.90 isa modem a flopy drive leeched from an old packard bell legend 204cd 17 inch KDS Visual Sensations monitor 6 eastern power sound speakers 250 watts a set.... sblive sound card intel farrallon ethernet card rcs digital cablemodem from those as.holes from @home those thieves... cannon bj4400 printer zenith 4 head vcr hooked into tv card digital research ergonomicl 3 button ps/2 mouse pc concepts serial keyboard 106 keys comming soon: pioneer 10x trayless internal dvd player) and a few other miscellaneous items attached... i agree with what you say about how amd rox ...cause it does... that 3dnow really beefs up alot of my winders games and runs really good in linux is it me or does linux 16bit blow away winders 32 bit?...even with the old s3 virge i was running it seemed to be better under linux.. catch ya later.. On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 15:03:56 +0000, Paul Sims wrote:
My current PC has an AMD K6-2 350 with 96Mb RAM and a 3-yr old PCI 4Mb graphics card. I don't play games or run maths-intensive software, and find it difficult to justify any higher spec. Even Win95 works quickly. The law of diminishing returns in my opinion has kicked in big style with CPUs. Maybe with Crusoe we'll see a return to common sense.
On Tuesday, February 29, 2000 2:51 PM, Bob [] wrote:
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, you wrote:
Seems that AMD processors, specifically the K6/2 series, seem to be very popular amongst the Linux community in general and the SuSE community in particular. Anybody know why this is? Not a complaint, only a question.
I think because they work well, and are cheaper. My present computer, whcih was a gift, came with oone and i was suprprised how well it does. And then Linux worked on it, Lot sof the lower-priced systems have them and they come from the most reliable manufacturers.
-- Bob Rea
"WorldSecure Server <>" made the following annotations on 02/29/00 15:09:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The opinions expressed within this email represent those of the individual and not necessarily those of Lombard.
The contents of this Email may be privileged and are confidential. It may not be disclosed to or used by anyone other than the addressee(s), nor copied in any way. If received in error, please advise the sender, then delete from your system.
Should you wish to use Email as a mode of communication, Lombard are unable to guarantee the security of Email content outside of our own computer systems.
-- To unsubscribe send e-mail to For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the FAQ at
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-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- PGP Public Key Fingerprint: 60ED B3C7 274A D1F7 DFBD 27E3 BD9C CF54 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1 (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc. and its affiliated companies. iQA/AwUBOLvvBL2cz1TFXqsOEQKMeQCguCuOfs+GFOp+jP6yx5krCNSzFXMAoI5X vQKekgnmM99bVHKVBAfJHwg9 =ZUmk -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the FAQ at
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 heres my system if your interested... amd k6-2/3dnow 300mhz...(benchmarks at 365mhz to 395mhz depending on the load)...amd gaurentee`s it not to drop below 333mhz 180mb ram...edo/fpu/sdram mixed...and running for 3 yrs no problems, on a m5atc mobo with award bios 16 mb voodoo 3 2000 pci video card 10.2 gig hd running win98 SE & NT server/ duel booted with suse linux 62 4.3 gig hd running just suse 63 hp8210i cd writer plus burner memorex 40 x cdrom iomega zip plus 100mb external drive hooked into zip zoom scsi card(adaptec 1503e) hauppauge wintv tuner card bt848 chipset usr sportster 56k/V.90 isa modem a flopy drive leeched from an old packard bell legend 204cd 17 inch KDS Visual Sensations monitor 6 eastern power sound speakers 250 watts a set.... sblive sound card intel farrallon ethernet card rcs digital cablemodem from those as.holes from @home those thieves... cannon bj4400 printer zenith 4 head vcr hooked into tv card digital research ergonomicl 3 button ps/2 mouse pc concepts serial keyboard 106 keys comming soon: pioneer 10x trayless internal dvd player) and a few other miscellaneous items attached... i agree with what you say about how amd rox ...cause it does... that 3dnow really beefs up alot of my winders games and runs really good in linux is it me or does linux 16bit blow away winders 32 bit?...even with the old s3 virge i was running it seemed to be better under linux.. catch ya later.. On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 15:03:56 +0000, Paul Sims wrote:
My current PC has an AMD K6-2 350 with 96Mb RAM and a 3-yr old PCI 4Mb graphics card. I don't play games or run maths-intensive software, and find it difficult to justify any higher spec. Even Win95 works quickly. The law of diminishing returns in my opinion has kicked in big style with CPUs. Maybe with Crusoe we'll see a return to common sense.
On Tuesday, February 29, 2000 2:51 PM, Bob [] wrote:
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, you wrote:
Seems that AMD processors, specifically the K6/2 series, seem to be very popular amongst the Linux community in general and the SuSE community in particular. Anybody know why this is? Not a complaint, only a question.
I think because they work well, and are cheaper. My present computer, whcih was a gift, came with oone and i was suprprised how well it does. And then Linux worked on it, Lot sof the lower-priced systems have them and they come from the most reliable manufacturers.
-- Bob Rea
"WorldSecure Server <>" made the following annotations on 02/29/00 15:09:13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The opinions expressed within this email represent those of the individual and not necessarily those of Lombard.
The contents of this Email may be privileged and are confidential. It may not be disclosed to or used by anyone other than the addressee(s), nor copied in any way. If received in error, please advise the sender, then delete from your system.
Should you wish to use Email as a mode of communication, Lombard are unable to guarantee the security of Email content outside of our own computer systems.
-- To unsubscribe send e-mail to For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the FAQ at
For protecting some of your Privacy while surfing the net put this in front of your url: (url here) see the example below - -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1 (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc. and its affiliated companies. mQGiBDJrxg4RBADPpo7bwohnndYnEpwb8KdpZfLtqCandSvLbjBGiXW2q6y+hmnZ so34ygQJJYFckOTTCF2BWH2gTjHgyu5tZMRUyqpzT5mg3K+2p89Xuja8ijVsXeRE Vqx/sCRSjfmIXlWqAbTEe/nBWcOam+9fyE41o/r8srrX2zuve32u7ziMewCg/4yW prXc94EQ4AS1hP0jNAXQGr0D/RQOWVoYF4gvVpJjWq0naDedOTTnknG1tGKjFXlq QLcF1SALpK8TqyVoPsIGB2NmSRD75iWaQZ5b55P2XjRsaLEKlxcfzaqNE8FvBUxZ twM8TwGfBy3GsDc9Idl+pasb/pEHYxi7FgflO5GraKUClmCDUopo+PKkze/xiMLg PoZaA/9DtzqyLwNBp0ezTkv2LP8Xi7kaORp+tfpJAoKy2Z3FFfLuCfDOGcb8BfdR J3iMWmg4kndDJvZBVUp/hq5LM8yj+Vqo/zeBzNiFdK6DaKa7DkmO3K3LeNpxNEC3 I2UQUffyb6Ta23prDHEQFrT3mgwhZEIz2ZE4sfOt0S1D6xB8s7QbY29wZW5oYWdl biA8Y29wZUBoYWdlbi5uZXQ+iQBLBBARAgALBQIya8YOBAsDAQIACgkQvZzPVMVe qw74xQCgnO/rkNa22MOqx7MFNhtSRURAAawAn1Nrk0QE3DQ4ESjE3b5kyxuIhiRW iQA/AwUQMmvG4j8NR7JZq86aEQJR9gCfeIBzCB9y28A71WsUW7lP+v4n6uMAn3pi 7CYpkjLXyLoMAPXS+D5Lyp1CiQA/AwUQNH43iRnp+i4gxN06EQIfjwCgynwmJxyG B4b6Tdm9bxVnT/SxfRQAn2f9t7rVPr3EXdc91oAx0AZKwf7C0cd8/wAACDcBEAAB AQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP/Y/+AAEEpGSUYAAQEAAAEAAQAA/9sAQwAKBwcIBwYKCAgI CwoKCw4YEA4NDQ4dFRYRGCMfJSQiHyIhJis3LyYpNCkhIjBBMTQ5Oz4+PiUuRElD PEg3PT47/9sAQwEKCwsODQ4cEBAcOygiKDs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7 Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7/8AAEQgAWgB4AwEiAAIRAQMRAf/E AB8AAAEFAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBQYHCAkKC//EALUQAAIBAwMCBAMFBQQE AAABfQECAwAEEQUSITFBBhNRYQcicRQygZGhCCNCscEVUtHwJDNicoIJChYXGBka JSYnKCkqNDU2Nzg5OkNERUZHSElKU1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ3eHl6g4SF hoeIiYqSk5SVlpeYmZqio6Slpqeoqaqys7S1tre4ubrCw8TFxsfIycrS09TV1tfY 2drh4uPk5ebn6Onq8fLz9PX29/j5+v/EAB8BAAMBAQEBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAABAgME BQYHCAkKC//EALURAAIBAgQEAwQHBQQEAAECdwABAgMRBAUhMQYSQVEHYXETIjKB CBRCkaGxwQkjM1LwFWJy0QoWJDThJfEXGBkaJicoKSo1Njc4OTpDREVGR0hJSlNU VVZXWFlaY2RlZmdoaWpzdHV2d3h5eoKDhIWGh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ip qrKztLW2t7i5usLDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uLj5OXm5+jp6vLz9PX29/j5+v/a AAwDAQACEQMRAD8A8mPIzTaU+tJTEFJRRnigLhiijNFFwEFGOaM0UAGKCMUlLQgE ooozTAMelHekpaBBmikoppsCU9BTe1ONJSGhMUYpSMUYqRiUU7AxzS7M9OaBEZox mp1tpHGVUmkMDBSSCPrQFiHFFPUDHPrSEgdqAG0lP5PAHNNZWXqpH1FMBtFFFO4g oo4opoCU8flVzT7B7rLjoDiqZ6AV3fg7TVm01HKgmTLc9/mIx+lSUjDGgS+WW8sn FRaZof8AauotbRusMcal3lkzyMgYUAcnn9DXrtvocPkBQgJb72KWbwaGnae0ARpD yo+UYwAfqCOx4NYym1LVGkYprc8NuLeSJY7n7PLHa3Bc27ydZFU4PPTg8Vch02S5 tDc26GRIwPMKj7hOTg/UAn8D6V6LL8K4luTPJbXBBbLQxkLHn0HUgVbt/CEFgo32 5DSFSI06EA8g46nrz75pSnraIRh3MTw34ZS402G6dMrIpzk9CCQf5Vi+NLGKyuS0 a7Rwpx9P/rV7PoujLa2CxNH5QaRnCAfdB7CvP/i7pq29mkiA8yLkY9iBz+Iq43sR Jq55XGN8gUsFBONzdB713GneBgvg3UNfu0MzramW0jjcEEY5dsdMA5wSD8pyD0rj NOuYrPUba6nt1uYoJkkeB/uyqCCVPsRx+Ne7T6BpbWEyWGYfPZ3R1ZtoD5JAUEYX B4XsMj3qlJLdDSueDXkDWV/PatPDOYZGTzbd98b4OMqe4Pb61Yghku7Odg4PkgEK 3U5OOPxx+Yrpdc8GHT3LW8YKA4yRn8SO3auaNhLG26X5WyMnsM4H8zQmpbA4tGfm jNSXCsk7K33lOD9aiqyBc0UnQ0UCO21XwK2lxXs4vY7lYt5iCA5ZQAVJ/wB5WUj1 rY8CMI9J+Zg+2ZgB6Dahx+ZNZmm6uNQ8F3NoW23VjF94sMyIuWjI/wB0bgeMBQne ovCGpYlkhUqI3bKj6D/65pJmiPYbePdCqowLY5IHetG1eaFQGUknjmsLTLtgiYPJ A/GtuO5yo3H6ms5u7LVkX3kmMYHTPpRDaxbt0iByOQT2qutxk4DZ4/GpLm7NpaII zmWZsKB61N0SWFZTOuMcV5p8anxpaBQCpdQTjoc//XrvbNrnzRFOB5jcr6ivNfjC 0ogaFnBVHXI9M89fwH5fmKRPLqeXaNHbz61YRXYzbyXMazD1QsA36Zr6BuJBayqG /wBQTtBHOPT/AD9PWvnOMtGRKvVW4+or3G31ZdR0O01RQEgvUzsOcKQWDL64BVhn rxnvVt2Q0T6pAjwEq3zAgL3656fhmvOtStY9kkhO1ijAEdF56Y7gEKfyNdHqGrFI UJbOQFHsf85/+tXAarqrTGQLISkvJH97uPpz6epqU9dCntqY08hluHc5JLE8nP60 zNJjk9qK2MgooopoRoWF29ldFxjY6mORWGQVPXjv2P4CrVjMNP1FZ4stGM8N1GVI /TPWswjnPtTg5xyahlpnoth4kCKvz49cmtyz8UBh94MfXOK8lju3UYB/WrEOqSxE EO3HvWLjItSR7VBr8Sx5LqD2HrVa+8VL5W1Wz5YJB/umvKG164YffOBnHtUY1mcZ Jc5PvUzjJqyGmj0vStfuNMtZJJNWkvtil/3z4dDk5UHuOmAenP0HDeMPEFx4gkdw shRWBdjnGeevvzWYurMqEZOT3z1ql9qZonQn5WOSM0U4S6jlJMLaNJoRFKwjRX3b sZPTkV22neI7M+H4tFX92lsrGAk87iSck/Via4Df17UCRlbIOK1cWzNSRv6tqRdW i3dOw6d//rVzjksxNSSytJy3Xvmo6qMbCbuNoFOPWkxzVXJG45op2MGimhE7ZFMx 3qWXr+X8qj7UDQnOKXNHc0lILi5NGTQeh/z6UH7oosAmT0pDnGBSmg9vqP50DG5o oHQUDtSvcANFA+7R2P4VVhCUYo7Glbr+dIBMc0UtFMR//9mJAEsEEBECAAsFAjX1 s9MECwMBAgAKCRC9nM9UxV6rDnsJAKC9nkOsrBtmja95MABYMS/oRzUGOACfYK/V I+l45469znYflauwqF3Epvm0HnN0ZWdhbm9zMSA8c3RlZ2Fub3MxQGhvbWUuY29t PokASwQQEQIACwUCOLTsAAQLAwECAAoJEL2cz1TFXqsOkoIAoM1u6ReJjGh+LQF8 tEWlpcQ7tfuKAJ9frgKgXfQmOEbta+cLige8cZ6ZgrkBDQQya8aVEAQAz2OSKtv5 e5z5QZMMDrel5rEqjv+k2IWDvYQSfoceqcONmqQMNtLS3V210C2btE+c+zehJfEy mnVb7Lt5hrhXJoP61SDNC5aClyLafkCMTp3efXqDjc9SHTTEvrsGnh3Kuj6aT3r2 TMBIKFI+ozEC2FtEZO88OVlwG4hg+N01DLMAAgIEAKRamCXd1tWvaMno+7Kij0zc 2kdyx2EUAykLq2hdfEfuoal+I2s6CuhbLWhHfvL8N3aI0Y84dysEf1Q2/PfGqsdK 8K2bQmh2gBOAaqxKCrTzzHEna9Srxz0Wng4O3jG2H+/N2O5eoyrBEDC+Jv6bRXVD Ym5kTTn7GsAncYhrYPOViQA/AwUYMmvGlb2cz1TFXqsOEQLLrACg73QyxAz4CEl6 ihoMN87Wu6nAjxgAniRjymUpeqpYI+m+07TW1aOAmHGY =Xut8 - 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participants (2)