Are there any Psion 3x/5/Siena users on this frequency? I have a Psion 3a, and I use it a lot. I think it is a great palmtop, and furthermore it is a product from Europe (UK). I have found a program that can (pseudo-)mount it on my Linux box, not a genuine mounting, but it enables me to address the filesystem on the s3a from Linux, copy, move etc. I can get files into StarOffice directly from the s3a (no conversion though, I have to save as txt/rtf on s3a). I would like to syncronize the s3a Agenda and Linux plan the same way that PsiWin does with Lotus Organizer/Scedule+. plan has the same features as Agenda, altlhough it has a rather altmodisch grafical interface. Does anybody know if there is a way to do this? Sincerely Vagn Bjoerno Jensen. - To get out of this list, please send email to with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e
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