-----Original Message----- From: Robert Metelsky <reefkeep@connix.com>
Apparently suse 5.3 sees the harddisk geometry as 4092/16/63
I've had to add a bios update card by Micro firmware the bios IDE adapter config menu reads as follows ISA Legacy Interface Assignments ISA Primary 1F0h autotype IRQ:14 ISA Secondary 170h autotype IRQ:15 ISA Tertiary 1E8h autotype IRQ:11 ISA Quaternary 168h autotype IRQ 10
Seems to me like you have a spanking new EIDE/UDMA drive connected to a rather old machine..... ( IDE adapters running on an ISA bus instead of EIDE on a PCI bus ) If this is the case your machine(bios) doesn't support LBA mode EIDE which would remap the drive to something like 675cyl/255heads/16sectors..... if this is the case... I THINK that the old isa buses can't handle more that 1024/63/16 or something like that which would account for only being about to get 1meg. I don't see this a being a Linux related prob, but more like a hardware/bios issue. Just my uneducated guess on the matter. Glad to give you more if you like.....
Device configuration ISA Primary 1F0h Device 0 (master) [Maxtor 90576D4]
BIOS version 1.61 BIOS feature codes AHM
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Aduanne Carter wrote:
-Seems to me like you have a spanking new EIDE/UDMA drive connected to a rather old machine..... ( IDE adapters running on an ISA bus instead of EIDE on a PCI bus ) If this is the case your machine(bios) doesn't support LBA mode EIDE which would remap the drive to something like 675cyl/255heads/16sectors..... if this is the case... I THINK that the old isa buses can't handle more that 1024/63/16 or something like that which would account for only being about to get 1meg. I don't see this a being a Linux related prob, but more like a hardware/bios issue. Just my uneducated guess on the matter.
Thanks Again Aduanne for taking the time to reply The problem was solved by a helpful person on this list (Alan Riggins) Here is the solution that from all practical view points I found to be undocumented (below from Alan) start the install before yast begins press ctrl alt f2 to get to a prompt run linux fdisk select x pert mode manually change the cylinders c to that of the drive in my case it is 10585 manually change the heads h my case 15 manually change the sectors my case 63 press r to return to fdisk main menu partition the disk and w rite out press ctrl alt f1 to return to the install and proceed to issue mount points Worked beautifully! I'd like to say thanks to Alan for saving me from more aggravation than necessary and possibly this message will help some other user rob - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e
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