Re:[SLE] Are there Mplayer rpms available

Hi There ARE Mplayer rpms available, I have seen them myself while browsing. I would recommend you DO NOT use them for two reasons. 1) The Mplayer homepage states it is illegal to create/distribute binaries due to license issues With some of the codecs used. 2) Mplayer requires manual copying of libraries (win32 codecs and codecs.conf file) along with the libav codecs Into the Mplayer tree and your root tree before compiling. And also it must have pre-installed things like dvddecss and dvdread etc. Thus, you would more than likely get a rpm that installed but didnt run properly or at all due to the missing libs. Download the progs and the docs and have a good read before trying to compile mplayer, Its well worth it. I myself just used a highlighter to mark the important parts and went from there. Two gotchas though .Look out for the correct divx4linux package, there are two, and one doesnt have the required to install the library (the one dated 08) the one dated 25 does. And also libdvdread can be a pain to install, just keep make && make install ing it until Mplayer picks it up. This shows up when running Mplayer for the first time on my system. Do it from the command line so any errors can be read. Good Luck. Clinton
Are there Mplayer rpms available for SuSE. I was told that this application rocks. I was mailed the url of the mplayer homepage, but I don't not have it with now :(
-- Richard Bos For those without home the journey is endless
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Clinton Bedogni