Andreas: I am replying on top since this is a related set of issues that applies to Beta4 and the next release RC1 (I printed the updated documentation). 1) I can see that we still have the issue with /boot and /home being ignored. I spent some time trying to get around this problem to no avail. 2) I downloaded Beta4 version of 1_CD kde iso and looked for My.sel under suse/setup/descr and could not find it (after mount -o loop). 3) In version Beta4 (full DVD/5xiso) the LICENSE.TXT was missing (in my downloaded version) under /yast (i.e., I put full version under /yast). 4) There were other files such as ChangeLog and README* that I added that came with full version but omitted in your documentation under copy. 5) It is not clear the first time around that /yast is really the DVD (or Houghie's 5xCD to 1xDVD) full version that we want to reduce to 1_CD. 6) This is IMPORTANT to me. I assume the sample My.sel.kde or My.sel.minimal are renamed to My.sel after copying into suse/setup/descr, correct? If I got this wrong, I am not going anywhere. I tried looking at the 1_CD iso (kde) I downloaded but I could not find it (see my point 2 above). 7) It is not clear that /super/SUPER refers to the "minimal" version and "/super/SUPER.kde" refers to the "kde" according to what is done to previous step when creating My.sel. This is in relation to the "script" provided in the documentation (I call it 8) Would it be possible to create a text file with the (RPM) packages to be copied from full 1xDVD version to /super/SUPER[.kde] for each minimal and kde? I went to the My.sel.kde and created a file based on it. Even better, the actual script to do the copy. 9) In the documentation (Now comes the tricky part), it is stated that /yast/suse/noarch/i586/i686 are copied into /super/SUPER/suse/i586, yet in the 1_CD iso (kde version) I downloaded, it is not the case. The downloaded iso shows RPM packages under noarch, i586 and i686 that correspond to packages under the original full version (as expected, 1xCD is only what is needed to keep the size to under 700 MB). 10) what is the purpose of TRANS.TBL files? I saw them in the 1_CD iso I downloaded but not in the 1xDVD version. The following points I just read but was confused and afraid of trying until I resolve the previous issues: 11) in the section to modify the "initrd", I just don't understand what I am supposed to do in the line "cp YOUR_INFO_FILE info". Is "info" the file name? is YOUR_INFO_FILE my version of autoinstall.xml? 12) when I "tar -zxf runup.tgz", what is the purpose of the "usr" subdirectory? does it really run out of /tmp or out of /suse? This may seem too detailed but I have spent quite a bit of time trying to convert the documentation into a workable solution. It is NOT a critisism on what I consider a great piece of work. I do realize that the documentation and the sample "iso's" for 1_CD that we can download do not have to correspond. However, when you are trying to figure out how to do it on your own, it would help that the "iso's" are produced by the procedure documented. I can be mistaken here and please prove me wrong. Regards, Uriel greetings / avec mes meilleures salutations / Cordialmente mit freundlichen Grüßen / Med vänlig hälsning "Andreas Girardet" To: <> <agirardet@novell cc: .com> Subject: [opensuse] RC1 1 CD install ready to test 09/08/2005 10:09 AM Please respond to opensuse Hello Team Thanks to for another most outstanding release. Both 1 CD iso's are available again without any modifications to the actual packages. The Gnome iso is nearly there thanks to Magnus and he will announce it tomorrow, once it is tested and uploaded. To do more we will need more people as we are currently quite stretched and I do not think that I personally can handle more workload. I have delayed the -modified iso's now for quite some time. The and distrowatch articles about openSUSE and SUPER have been received very positively and has raised expectations that I fear I cannot fulfill alone. Please consider helping as this user contributed project will otherwise stay at its current 1 CD install level. You can find the iso's on or Any bugs should also be reported to the main 1 CD install site Thanks for all the nice emails of the last days. Good night and have fun Regards, Andreas Girardet --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. This message may be an attorney-client communication and/or work product and as such is privileged and confidential. 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2) I downloaded Beta4 version of 1_CD kde iso and looked for My.sel under suse/setup/descr and could not find it (after mount - o loop). The My.sel is actually copied as default.sel and Minimal+X11-10.0-56.noarch.sel
6) This is IMPORTANT to me. I assume the sample My.sel.kde or My.sel.minimal are renamed to My.sel after copying into suse/setup/descr, correct? If I got this wrong, I am not going anywhere. I tried looking at the 1_CD iso (kde) I downloaded but I could not find it (see my point 2 above). See my answer above
8) Would it be possible to create a text file with the (RPM) packages to be copied from full 1xDVD version to /super/SUPER[.kde] for each minimal and kde? I went to the My.sel.kde and created a file based on it. Even better, the actual script to do the copy. You can create the text file with rpm -qa --queryname %{NAME}"\n" mypackages Then you need to add informaton to the top and bottom of that file according to the *.sel files
9) In the documentation (Now comes the tricky part), it is stated that /yast/suse/noarch/i586/i686 are copied into /super/SUPER/suse/i586, yet in the 1_CD iso (kde version) I downloaded, it is not the case. The downloaded iso shows RPM packages under noarch, i586 and i686 that correspond to packages under the original full version (as expected, 1xCD is only what is needed to keep the size to under 700 MB). Probably a typo. They need to go into their respective directories.
11) in the section to modify the "initrd", I just don't understand what I am supposed to do in the line "cp YOUR_INFO_FILE info". Is "info" the file name? is YOUR_INFO_FILE my version of autoinstall.xml? The info file can be used to set the default time zone, language etc. So it's only needed if you further wants to customize your installation
Cheers, Magnus
participants (2)
Magnus Boman