Online-update NVidia drivers --> Bad idea
Hello all. Been lurking for a few days, and I've just had a nasty problem turn up. Here's what I sent to NVidia: --- Summary of problem: I've recently installed SuSE 7.2 on my system. Straight after installing this I did an "online update" which downloaded the NVidia drivers and installed them. After that, weird things have started to happen, resulting in me not being able to get any screen mode that isn't MS-Windows or X-Windows. My system: AMD Athlon 850MHz ABit KT7A-Raid motherboard 250MB PC133 SDRAM UDMA/66 HDD on HPT370 UDMA/100 channel (non-RAID mode) Hercules Dynamite TNT2-Ultra 32MB Iiyama S700JT1 Monitor Dual-boot system with Windows2000 SP2 and SuSE Linux 7.2 (which only boots from a boot floppy). Detailed description of problem: The problem is that when I boot up I do not see the normal "Hercules Dynamite TNT2-Ultra 32MB" message before booting into the BIOS, nor do I see the BIOS information screens, the BIOS (if I hit del anyway), or the RAID controller screens as per usual. When booting into Win2K I do not see anything up until the blue "login" screen, where the resolution changes to 1152x864 in 32-bit colour. Likewise, I do not see any kernel messages from the SuSE bootup process. Don't see the graphical LILO prompt or any point up until the KDE2 login screen (also 1152x864 but in 16-bit colour). X-Windows displays fine; framebuffer and console modes do not. When I say I don't see anything, I actually mean that I don't see a proper image. I _do_ see a kind of swirling noise that appears to imply that the horizontal or vertical sync (or both) is way out of time. This "noise" changes when I would expect there to be changes on the screen. Sometimes (under Linux) a white screen with a lage NVidia logo appears in the centre when a resolution is changed. All was well under Win2K for well over a year now. Under several versions of Linux too. It was only after doing an online update within SuSE that this happened. I'm a bit pissed off since I was not told that doing an Online Update or upgrading my NVidia drivers may mess up my graphics hardware to the point where I can't use console mode in Linux or get into my BIOS. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks --jaa ____________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at or your free address at
I recommend you download the drivers direct from NVidia yourself, then follow the Install instructions on the download page. There are only a few steps but those steps are entirely dependent on your configuration. I had to go the source rpm route since I was not running the stock kernel shipped with 7.2. If you have modified your setup at all since your install, use the Install instructions from NVidia's page. If I had done that I would have saved myself 2 days troubleshooting after I installed the drivers. Now that they work though, they are awesome. Read the Install instructions before downloading because it will tell you which files you need. You are right about the Online update though because Yast is assuming you still have a vanilla intall. Screwed me up too. John ----- Original Message ----- From: "James Arthur" <> To: <> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 1:27 AM Subject: [SLE] Online-update NVidia drivers --> Bad idea
Hello all. Been lurking for a few days, and I've just had a nasty problem turn up. Here's what I sent to NVidia:
Summary of problem: I've recently installed SuSE 7.2 on my system. Straight after installing this I did an "online update" which downloaded the NVidia drivers and installed them. After that, weird things have started to happen, resulting in me not being able to get any screen mode that isn't MS-Windows or X-Windows. <snip>
Any help would be appreciated.
participants (2)
James Arthur