I did not perform a "backup" of the old kernel. I just installed all required packages (in the readme-file at Kraxel) and everything went fine :) How could I see if YAST have renamed the 2.6 installation so that it points/says that I'm still running 2.4 ... when I should be up-and-running with the 2.6-kernel ??? On Sat, 20 Dec 2003 19:19:20 +0100, Dan Svarreby <dan.svarreby@home.se> wrote:
I have installed the 2.6 kernel. Now there's only the rest left
How do I configure the boot file so it will start on 2.6, and not 2.4?
... you actually WANT to save your 'good' bootable kernel. i hope you didnt install the kernel*.rpm, because it uses the default name and will OVERWRITE the kernel that already exists in /boot. (unless suse automagically named your newest kernel as vmlinuz-2.4.21-144-default anyway, on my 8.2 system, i renamed vmlinuz and initrd to reflec their 8.2 versioning and then installed the new 2.6 kernel rpm, so i [now] have: linux:/home/mtobler # ls -al /mnt/data3 ... initrd -> initrd-2.6.0-0-default ... initrd-82 ... initrd.shipped ... vmlinux-2.6.0-0-default.gz ... vmlinux.gz ... vmlinuz -> vmlinuz-2.6.0-0-default ... vmlinuz-2.6.0-0-default ... vmlinuz-82 and i used yast (boot loader config) to first 'clone' the orig 8.2 setting and then changed it to boot the 'initrd-82' and 'vmlinuz-82', so the resulting /boot/grub/menu.lst is: ... ###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: linux### title SuSE 8.2 orig kernel (hd0,9)/vmlinuz-82 root=/dev/hda19 vga=0x31a splash=silent hdd=ide-scsi hddlun=0 showopts initrd (hd0,9)/initrd-82 ###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: linux### title SuSE 8.2_Kernel 2.6 kernel (hd0,9)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda19 vga=0x31a splash=silent hdd=ide-scsi hddlun=0 showopts initrd (hd0,9)/initrd on my 9.0 system, it was a similar set of steps, but in 9.0, the names are different (since suse automagically setup the kernel and initrd names to match the running kernel)
On Sat, 20 Dec 2003 21:01:10 +0100, Dan Svarreby <dan.svarreby@home.se> wrote:
did not perform a "backup" of the old kernel. I just installed all required packages (in the readme-file at Kraxel) and everything went fine :)
How could I see if YAST have renamed the 2.6 installation so that it points/says that I'm still running 2.4 ... when I should be up-and-running with the 2.6-kernel ???
you could show us the results of: ... ls -al /boot and ... cat /boot/grub/menu.lst -- << http://michaeljtobler.homelinux.com/ >> 7:30, Channel 5: The Bionic Dog (Action/Adventure) The Bionic Dog gets a hormonal short-circuit and violates the Mann Act with an interstate Greyhound bus.
participants (2)
Dan Svarreby