Hi All Im running bind 9 on 9.1 pro with a forwarder to my isp. options { directory "/var/lib/named"; forwarders { x.x.x.x; y.y.y.y; }; allow-query {; 192.168.0/24; }; listen-on port 53 {;; }; notify no; }; zone "." in { type hint; file "root.hint"; }; zone "localhost" { type master; file "localhost.zone"; }; zone "fbi.net" { type master; file "test.zone"; }; zone "0.168.192.in-addr.arpa" { type master; file "0.168.192.zone"; }; will this work as caching dns aswell. At the moment its working 100% as a internal and forwarder dns.If it works as a caching dns server were will i see the caching ( in what file )? Regards _____________________________________________________________________ For super low premiums ,click here http://www.dialdirect.co.za/quote
it wrote regarding '[SLE] bind 9' on Sat, Aug 28 at 06:00:
Hi All
Im running bind 9 on 9.1 pro with a forwarder to my isp.
options { directory "/var/lib/named"; forwarders { x.x.x.x; y.y.y.y; }; allow-query {; 192.168.0/24; }; listen-on port 53 {;; }; notify no; }; [...] will this work as caching dns aswell. At the moment its working 100% as a internal and forwarder dns.If it works as a caching dns server were will i see the caching ( in what file )?
Yes, it'll cache. You won't see a file ecause it caches in memory. It's possible that one of the signals will make it dump cache stats, but I don't know offhand which one. Probably SIGUSR1 or something similar. Check out the man page, and send signals with "kill" (kill -l to get the number that corresponds to a name). For example, to send a SIGUSR1 to process ID 632: kill -10 632 Hope that helps... --Danny
Anders wrote regarding 'Re: [SLE] bind 9' on Wed, Sep 01 at 17:28:
On Wed, 2004-09-01 at 17:04 -0500, Danny Sauer wrote:
For example, to send a SIGUSR1 to process ID 632: kill -10 632
Or, if you can't be bothered to look it up, "kill -USR1 632"
Huh. I guess it's about time that functinality was added to kill. The last time I looked, "killall" was teh only one that supported the symbolic names. --Danny, behind the times
participants (3)
Anders Johansson
Danny Sauer
it clown