When bootin to level 5, my system takes a very long time, finally arriving with an inaccurate hostname, which requires I reset the hostname and restart the xserver. The entry in /var/log/boot.msg is: done<notice>'/etc/init.d/rc5.d/S11kbd start' exits with status 0 <notice>/etc/init.d/rc5.d/S11lpd start Starting lpd2002-01-30-11:54:57.370 Get_local_host: hostname 'dhcppc1' bad <notice>startproc: execve (/usr/sbin/lpd) [ /usr/sbin/lpd ], / [ PWD=/BOOT_FILE=/boot/vmlinuz HOSTNAME=xxxxx.com / CONSOLE=/dev/console vga=0x0317 PREVLEVEL=N AUTOBOOT=YES / MACHTYPE=i38 2002-01-30-11:54:57.556 Get_local_host: hostname 'dhcppc1' bad failed <notice>'/etc/init.d/rc5.d/S11lpd start' exits with status 7 note: the line beginning with "<notice>startproc: execve" has been truncated into 4 lines Also, where is the hostname being set? Several entries in the boot.msg indicate that I have correctly set the hostname (I do it in boot.local, although there should be a better place.). tks, -- Pat Shanahan Registered Linux User #207535 Registered at: http://counter.li.org
pat wrote:
Also, where is the hostname being set? Several entries in the boot.msg indicate that I have correctly set the hostname (I do it in boot.local, although there should be a better place.).
Try taking it out of boot.local, putting it in with Yast>System Administration>Change configuration file. Set DHCLIENT_SET_HOSTNAME to no, and set FQHOSTNAME to your fully qualified hostname, exit, which will run SuSEconfig, and you should be set. HTH. -- Joe & Sesil Morris New Tribes Mission Email Address: Joe_Morris@ntm.org Web Address: www.mydestiny.net/~joe_morris Registered Linux user 231871
participants (2)
Joe & Sesil Morris (NTM)