[SuSE Linux] Sweet success...nearly

At last, I can DIAL OUT with WVDial...I can log on...I can almost check my mail, then I get disconnected. But hey, I'm leaps and bounds beyond where I was. Avery Pennarun at WVDial was right...I had a conflict with IRQ 1 and 4. I was never aware that my mouse interrupts shared IRQ 4 with my modem. Very odd when my modem lists itself as being on IRQ 11 in Windows. Under Linux, they are (were) sharing 4. I have to type setserial /dev/ttyS2 irq 11 to make it work. That needs to be placed in my boot sequence. Can anyone tell me what file that is? I'm too tire to hunt it down right now. I still don't understand why I get disconnected within seconds, and I also want to learn how to keep the connection active during sessions, even if I shut down my mail program (XFMail). Thank you everyone for the help today and yesterday. I am almost there and wow...wvdial is fast. :) Steve <A HREF="http://www.millsphoto.com"><A HREF="http://www.millsphoto.com</A">http://www.millsphoto.com</A</A>> - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e
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