X uses 99.X% CPU (XF4.1, NVdriver, KDE2)

This is mnore or less repeatable> I have seen thishappen on Suse 71 and Suse 7.2 boxes, XF 4.1 and Xf 4.0.3 KDE2.1 upto 2.2.1 (And maybe even earlier). NVidia modules (0.967, 1.251 1.521 and 1.541) Geforce 2 and Quad boards TwinView and 1600x1200 modes kernels 2.4.0 - 2.4.9 Suddenly the system freezes, telnetting into it and running top show X getting 99% of the CPU. If you wait a while (usually the time it takes for the user to realize the machine is indeed frozen, walk over to me and start complaining, and for both of us to walk back) X usage sinks again. On my box this happens when Im in Konqueror and am reloading pages (2 konquerors partially overlapping eachother, one pointing to slashdot the other to the BBC news site, refreshing both and while refreshing raizing and lowering them a few times did the trick 3 times, but doesn;t do it always). Anyone have any clue ? Kind regards, -- Gerhard den Hollander Phone +31-10.280.1515 Global Technical Support Fax +31-10.280.1511 Jason Geosystems BV (When calling please note: we are in GMT+1) gdenhollander@jasongeo.com POBox 1573 visit us at http://www.jasongeo.com 3000 BN Rotterdam JASON.......#1 in Reservoir Characterization The Netherlands This e-mail and any attachment is/are intended solely for the named addressee(s) and may contain information that is confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, we request that you do not disseminate, forward, distribute or copy this e-mail message. If you have received this e-mail message in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and destroy the original message.

Well. I am very familiar with this although I can't tell you exactly what is causing it. I had the same problem and looked up in the kde bug site. There is some advice about checking whether Nvidias agpgart or the kernel agpgart are loaded. This can be set as an option in the nvidia section in the XF86Config file. I have just checked my kernel config, and I have agpgart compiled in. The nvidia file does not have the agpgart option selected. If I do cat /proc/nvidia/card0 I can see that the agp driver is the Nvidia one. I wasnt sure what the problem was so I . 1) Reseated all my RAM 2) Compiled kde2.2.1 etc by hand. 3) Compiled XFree86 by hand. You might like to ask on irc.openprojects.net channel #nvidia. Whatever I did it got rid of the problem, but I am still not sure how. It is quite a common thing so do ask. sorry for not being more specific. dids
Anyone have any clue ? This is mnore or less repeatable>
I have seen thishappen on Suse 71 and Suse 7.2 boxes, XF 4.1 and Xf 4.0.3 KDE2.1 upto 2.2.1 (And maybe even earlier).
NVidia modules (0.967, 1.251 1.521 and 1.541) Geforce 2 and Quad boards TwinView and 1600x1200 modes kernels 2.4.0 - 2.4.9
Suddenly the system freezes, telnetting into it and running top show X getting 99% of the CPU.
If you wait a while (usually the time it takes for the user to realize the machine is indeed frozen, walk over to me and start complaining, and for both of us to walk back) X usage sinks again.
On my box this happens when Im in Konqueror and am reloading pages (2 konquerors partially overlapping eachother, one pointing to slashdot the other to the BBC news site, refreshing both and while refreshing raizing and lowering them a few times did the trick 3 times, but doesn;t do it always).
Anyone have any clue ?
participants (2)
Gerhard den Hollander