RE: [SLE] Shameless plug: Vote for SuSE
They state that they have logs of the abuse, and that they are expecting an apology from SuSE. They claim that one of the SuSE employees found a hole in the filter, and was circumventing the software. Whether I believe them or not, I am not sure. The e-mail I have received for a Steve Emms, has been very short. If an employee did it, SuSE does owe an apology to them, and if they "the poll takers" are whining, then they need to grow up. -- Kirk Moore EPM - Release Management environments - STL's 425-965-6543 (desk) 425-797-9092 (pager) Black holes are created when God divides by zero!
---------- From: Jon Tillman[] Reply To: Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 12:19 PM To: Subject: Re: [SLE] Shameless plug: Vote for SuSE
On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Jack Barnett spewed forth into the void:
----- Original Message ----- From: Rafael E. Herrera <> To: <> Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 1:12 PM Subject: Re: [SLE] Shameless plug: Vote for SuSE
If what he's saying about a suse employee is true, then I'm not very happy about it. In any case, they should be capable of filter out repeated entries from a given domain or email address. I don't think they should have removed the SuSE option.
-- Rafael Herrera Laboratory for Computational Neuroscience University of Pittsburgh
that isn't a abuse of the system, RH employees or slackware, debian users/employes could of posted it on there mail list....
So taking pride in your distro in now considered abuse?
so they are upset because SuSE employees actually talk to their users....?
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