Re: [SLE] kde2 crash with SuSE 1.93 binaries
"Fred A. Miller" wrote:
Rachel, have you had any problems with any apps. in KDE2? How's the Java support in Konqueror?
I haven't got Java support in konqueror working, but then I haven't really tried. I just pointed it at the Sun SDK1.3beta-refresh I have installed but it didn't take any notice when I pointed it at a page with an applet on. There are little glitches all over the place, but none of them are showstoppers as regards what I do, and for me, I've decided they are outweighed by the cool stuff. I just like the feel of the environment, but I don't actually use a great number of KDE *applications* on a regular basis - My main application set for my work & play is: nedit, netscape, xchat, konsole, konqueror (file manager), kap (erstwhile kpm) and lyx. I expect to use kword and killustrator more though. kap has some display glitches. -- Rachel -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the FAQ at
This problem still exists in the CVS code I compiled yesterday. I've tried a couple of JDKs and it just won't go. Maybe in a week or two? :)
I'd second that. I'd encourage anyone who has a non critical machine to take a look at a KDE2 beta. GNOME is getting all the press recently, but KDE is definitely the project delivering the code. -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the FAQ at
For some reason I couldn't make KDE2 (1.91 variety) run on my 6.4 machine. Downloaded all the xdev1/ packages + qtlib2, did all the recommended adjustments to startkde, but still there's something wrong with the shared libraries: Could not dlopen library: /opt/kde2/lib/ undefined symbol: desktop__3KWMUl kicker: error in loading shared libraries: /opt/kde2/lib/ undefined symbol: __10KWinModuleP7QObjectb Could not dlopen library: /opt/kde2/lib/ undefined symbol: call__10DCOPClientRC8QCStringN21RCt6QArray1ZcR8QCStringRt6QArray1Zcb Could not dlopen library: /opt/kde2/lib/ undefined symbol: raise__3KWMUl kdesktop: error in loading shared libraries: /opt/kde2/lib/ undefined symbol: update__7KAction kcminit: error in loading shared libraries: kcminit: undefined symbol: __12KDesktopFileRC7QStringbT1 ksmserver: error in loading shared libraries: ksmserver: undefined symbol: registerAs__10DCOPClientG8QCStringb Any ideas? -- ET. -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the FAQ at
Eugene Tyurin writes:
If you go to they actually have newer rpms for suse, but the package klibs*.rpm was corrupted somehow. Somebody on the list said they were going to inform the KDE team, so it may have been fixed. I compiled them from source and everything is running good.
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