[SLE] Continuing QuakeII puzzlement

I spent more time trying to get QuakeII to work with my Viper TNT2U graphics card last night. I'm going round in circles. If I start QuakeII with the "+set vid_ref glx" or "+set vid_ref gl" options, which the documents I've seen seem to suggest is the correct thing (although I can't figure out which one), I get an error "ref_gl::R_Init() Cound not load 'opengl32'". I've checked my system for an opengl32 library and there isn't one. I don't understand what all the libraries do, so I installed GLide, Mesa, glxriva, anything with 3dfx in the title, you name it. I've read all the documents I can find including the QuakeII howto, but nothing seems to make much sense. I went and got the RIVA-X-GLX-1.0-glibc package from the nvidia ftp site as suggested by someone on this list, but it contains an SVGA X server, which is 2 releases older than the one I have from the 6.2 distro (3.3.3 as opposed to 3.3.5). Do I really have to downgrade my X server to play QuakeII? Other docs I've seen suggest the the patches have been merged into 3.3.5, so perhaps not? Does the X server matter since I want full screen mode? Also in the Riva packages there are some other libraries (libgl.so, glx.so). Perhaps one of these is the 'opengl32' library that's mentioned in the error message? Do I have to rename or link to one of them? I haven't tried this (I'm at work, the box is at home), but a pointer that this is the right direction would be appreciated. I'm lost. Any more advice would be very helpful. -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the FAQ at http://www.suse.com/Support/Doku/FAQ/
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